Chapter: 1014

�We also go to Leroy Hotel~�


"And us!"

"At that time, the boss of our company will come in person!"


"Yes, it is our honor to participate in the opening ceremony of Mufan Group!"

"We will definitely join in~"


"Where is the invitation letter?"

"Where's Mr. Qiu?"


At this time, the entire exhibition center became lively in an instant.

Especially after hearing Susie say that there are only 50 places, these business executives are naturally more anxious.

They all looked around, looking for the Mr. Qiu that Susie was talking about, hoping to get the invitation letter sooner, for fear that if they arrived late, others would preempt him.

After all, for many companies present, participating in the opening ceremony is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Maybe, taking this opportunity, they can negotiate a few orders and reach a few cooperations with Mufan Group.

This is a large group of more than 5,000 people!

The assets are at least hundreds of billions.

It is estimated that any order of this kind of enterprise will cost tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Just like Qiushui Logistics, a little-known small company in Yunzhou before, because it embraced a large company with a strong background like Hongqi Group, it not only received tens of millions of financing, but also received an order of 50 million.

With Qiushui logistics pearls ahead, those other companies naturally flocked to it even more, hoping to get on the express train of Mufan Group.

Soon, the invitations that Qiu Mucheng brought today were snatched up by everyone.

Not only that, those who didn't get the invitations even said good things to Qiu Mucheng, hoping that Qiu Mucheng could find a way to get them more invitations.

One mouthful and one Qiu always shouted, that is called enthusiasm and respect.

It was in stark contrast to the cold reception Qiu Mucheng received just now.

In just a short while, Qiu Mucheng received a bunch of business cards.

Qiu Mucheng never expected that Susie's trick would be so effective.

She begged her grandpa to sue her grandma just now, not only did she not send out one, but she also received a lot of stares.

But now, these people are scrambling to beg for Qiu Mucheng.

"Mucheng, how are you doing?"