Chapter: 4178

However, seeing Ye Fan's deteriorating situation, Yu Yun was undoubtedly very anxious.

She had no choice but to pray in her heart, hoping that Ye Fan could survive this calamity safely and suppress the violent fire attribute power in her body as soon as possible.

For Ye Fan, this day was painful.

But for Yu Yun who has been guarding by the side, it is also suffering.

"what to do?"

"What should we do?"

"This bastard, he didn't tell me that there was an accident during the retreat. How can I help him?"

Yu Yun was full of anxiety, and she no longer had the slightest calmness and composure as usual.

After all, this is the first time Yu Yun has encountered such a situation.

Before coming, although she consulted the relevant classics in Yezongmen, she mastered the skills of refining this kind of spiritual fruit.

However, the information she consulted was all about refining outside the body, such a kind of internal refining that was directly devoured, the aftertaste was unheard of and never seen before.

Before Ye Fan let him swallow the Ice Spirit Fruit, Yu Yun thought she was going to die.

But fortunately, Ye Fan seems to know the refining method in his body.

In the end, with Ye Fan's help, she successfully refined the ice spirit fruit.

Yu Yun originally thought that since Ye Fan could help him refine and absorb it, he would have no problem refining it himself.

Unexpectedly, there was still an accident.

"No, if this continues, even if he didn't go mad and die, he will die from lack of water."

Looking at the young man who was steaming "hot" in front of him, Yu Yun was full of anxiety.

She knew that these "hot air" were all evaporated from the water in Ye Fan's body by the fire energy of the fire spirit fruit.

If Ye Fan is not replenished with water, he will be roasted into a mummified corpse.

There was no other way, Yu Yun, who was anxious, had to tear off a piece of cloth from her body, ran to the lake to soak it, then hurried back to the cave, and gently wiped Ye Fan's reddened forehead.

One is to cool down Ye Fan's body, and the other is to use this method to replenish Ye Fan's water.

"Or not."

"The energy of the fire spirit fruit is too powerful."

"This method is tantamount to stopping the boiling water, and it cannot solve the problem at all."

"We must find another way to help Ye Fan suppress the fire attribute power in his body."

After running a few times in a row, Yu Yun found that her method didn't work at all.

So, in the end she gave up and started thinking about other ways.


"This fire spirit fruit has the power of the fire attribute, while the ice spirit fruit I refined is of the ice attribute."