Chapter: 6502

Countless eyes were directed to the source of the sound.

There, a thin figure with a sword on his back was walking towards him.

He walked so leisurely.

The light footsteps stepped on the ground without making any sound.

Walking in the light and shadow, he is like the nocturnal ghost.

At first, everyone just saw a thin figure.

But it wasn't until he got close that the people present could see his face clearly!

The Lord of Dragon God, Chu Tianfan!


For a moment, King Foluo and others felt like five thunderbolts.

Thousands of thunderbolts slashed down, King Fuluo, Haibu and the others were completely dumbfounded.

"Chu Chu Tianfan?"

King Flora lost his voice in shock.

Haib's eyes widened.

Yanxia Grandmaster Ke Zhe, who was originally calmly eating and preparing to watch the excitement, was even more startled and fell off the chair directly.

"Chu Chu Tianfan?"

These few people did not discuss, but at almost the same time, they called out Ye Fan's face.

It's like a boulder falling into the sea, setting off a thousand waves!

All of a sudden, all the martial arts experts in the hall were shocked.


"Chu Tianfan?"

"You say he is Chu Tianfan?"

"How is this possible?"

"Isn't that demon already dead?"

"Didn't he be besieged by Lord Wang Jue and the others on the shore of the East China Sea?"

"How could it be him?"

"How could he be alive?"

Everyone is crazy!

In this world, there may not be many people who have met Ye Fan, and there are not many people who know Ye Fan.

However, Chu Tianfan, this name, has been carried through all over the world, like thunder!