Chapter: 7345

Everyone is well aware of this matter.

Including Ye Qingtian and King Fuluo.

Although neither of them wanted to have a direct conflict with Ye Fan, most members of the Wu'an Association agreed with this suggestion.

Ye Qingtian and the others couldn't say anything.

"I think the wording can be as gentle as possible."

"Don't provoke Ye Fan."

"As for the future, we will negotiate face to face with Ye Fan after we meet."

"My opinion is, try to resolve this matter peacefully."

Since this announcement must be made.

Ye Qingtian thought of a compromise, suggesting that when drafting a resolution, Ye Fan and the Dragon Temple should not be angered.

King Flo nodded, "God of War is a good idea."

"Do your best to avoid direct conflict with the Dragon Temple."

"Chu Tianfan is a ruthless person!"

"I made him anxious. I'm afraid none of us here will survive."

King Fu Luo obviously remembered the fear that was dominated by Ye Fan before.

Although Jerry's suggestion is very reasonable, but even so, King Flora is still unwilling to stand against Ye Fan.

Like Ye Qingtian, he hopes to resolve the threat of the Dragon Temple peacefully.

In the end, the Wu'an Society listened to the suggestions of King Fo Luo and Ye Qingtian, and when drafting the resolution, the wording and language were relatively gentle.

At the evening party that day, after the resolution was deliberated and passed, it was announced to the world through major media channels.

"In order to maintain the lasting peace of the world martial arts world, and to prevent the tragedy of going out from happening again, the seven permanent members of the World Martial Arts Security Council jointly propose"

"I sincerely hope that civil organizations such as martial arts sects and forces with more than 100 people in the world that have titled masters in charge should be disbanded immediately."

"And it is strictly forbidden to be named a master and hold any position in any folk sectarian organization!"

"May the masters of all sects take the world as their responsibility and take care of the overall situation"

"As the saying goes, the road is for the public."

"Everything, for all mankind. Everything, for the peace of the martial arts world"

"Those who do not comply with this initiative can be regarded as an open provocation to the global martial arts. Please bear all the consequences at your own risk."

Once this announcement was announced, it undoubtedly caused an uproar in the martial arts world.

"I go!"

"Wu Anhui is really fierce."

"As soon as it was established, it pointed directly at the Dragon Temple!"