Chapter: 7396

There was only a low and muffled sound, and Luo Li punched out.

The majestic energy brought bursts of sonic booms in the air.

He slapped Nuoya's back hard.

"Little Junior Sister, be careful!" There were several startled voices from the audience.

"Elder, hurry up, stop senior brother! Save junior sister?" Fatty was even more anxious, and loudly asked for help from the elder of the sect who was sitting on a high place.

However, the three law enforcement elders turned a blind eye.

Just watching helplessly, Luo Li made a move on Nuoya!

Luo Li is the senior brother of Tianshimen, even if he goes all out, Nuoya will not be his opponent.

What's more, now that Luo Li attacked suddenly, he still punched from behind.

How did Noah dodge?

Hearing a bang, his muscles and bones were broken, and Nuoya was severely injured, and was sent flying out of the mouth with blood vomited.

The long skirt is stained with blood, and the beauty is sad.

Nuoya vomited blood and flew out of the ring.

However, even so, Luo Li still didn't seem to spare Nuo Ya.

He even stepped out and chased after him again.

Strength swept across, true essence surged.

With a fierce palm, he slapped Nuoya hard again.

"Eldest brother, no!"

"Little Junior Sister!"

The audience was shocked.

All the disciples of Tianshimen under the stage were trembling with fear.

Apparently, no one expected that their elder brother would go so far.

It's fine to bully the small with the big, and it's fine to hurt people behind the back.

Now that Nuoya was injured, he actually went to make up for it? Actually disregarding the slightest sect friendship?

However, anger is anger.

After all, Luo Li was the chief disciple of the sect, and he was the disciple of the great elder. Not to mention his strength, his status and background were definitely not something anyone could mess with.

No matter how angry Fatty and the others were in their hearts, they naturally didn't dare to help, so they had to seek help from the three law enforcement elders who sat high above.

However, the three elders still had no intention of intervening.

He even turned his head on purpose and looked elsewhere, as if he didn't see what happened.

"It's over!"