Chapter: 8144

Someone suggested.

"I don't think so."

"The World Tree has just devoured so many lives, and it is the time when it is full of energy."

"This is not a good time to attack."

Others held objections.

For a moment, two waves of people started arguing.

But the Sword Master and others looked at Zhang Nanhai.

Obviously, they were all seeking Zhang Nanhai's opinion.

After all, Zhang Nanhai was the chief architect of using the Giant Formation to fight against World Tree.

Finally, Zhang Nanhai stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop arguing.

"My opinion is, don't have the final battle with Yggdrasil yet."

"Because we're not quite ready yet."

"The Thousand Giants Plan has not been fully prepared yet."

"Moreover, we also need to conduct training on tactics and tactics."

"It's about a year away."

"In short, within a year, we will try our best to avoid the final battle with World Tree!"

Zhang Nanhai said in a deep voice.

As Zhang Nanhai expressed his opinion, the opposition from the crowd at the meeting subsided.

Therefore, after a show of hands vote, the Wu League finally canceled the decisive battle.

Continue with the final preparations as before.

However, Mike Jones's wife and children died in the riot.

The Jones family held a funeral for them, and leaders from various countries came to pay their respects.

"Master Jones, my condolences."

Gaia and others tried to persuade her.