Chapter: 848

"Why don't you apologize to Master Ye quickly? Then get out!"

"Things that don't have long eyes, who do you dare to check?"

Xiao Liu shouted angrily, scolding again and again.

For a while, those subordinates of Wang Xingduo were really taken aback by this man in front of them.

As for Wang Xingduo, his expression also sank.

With a gloomy face, he looked at Xiao Liu in front and sneered, "Brother Liu, are you really a powerful official?"

"However, as a little driver, you have neither real power nor real position. I gave you face before, and I smoked nicely and talked nicely to you just now. But if I don't give you face, what the hell are you going to do?" What counts?"

"How dare you yell at me and boss me around here now?"

"A bad driver, you deserve it too?"

Before Wang Xingduo respected him, it was to give Han Shi face.

But now that Xiao Liu is shameless, Wang Xingduo simply has no scruples, and directly tears him up.

He was just a driver. To be honest, Wang Xingduo really didn't think much of him.

However, Wang Xingduo had just finished speaking.

Immediately afterwards, a cold voice sounded quietly from behind him.

"what about me?"

In the deep words, unparalleled anger and majesty were suppressed.

The moment these words fell, I saw a middle-aged man, surrounded by several people, like a king, stepping up the steps, and then appeared in everyone's eyes.

Seeing this person, Wang Xingduo's old face twitched, as if thunder struck, his brain crashed, and he was stunned. He stared at the person in front of him in disbelief, staring at the person in front of him, trembling: "Han... Mayor Han?"


Hearing Wang Xingduo's words, Qiu Mucheng, Han Li and the others were also shocked instantly, and their beautiful eyes widened immediately.


Could it be that the middle-aged man in front of him was the deputy mayor of Yunzhou City, Han Dongmin, who was in charge of industry and commerce, security and other major departments?


What's going on today, is Mayor Han here?

Wang Xingduo was dumbfounded at the time.

The moment he saw Han Dongmin, he ran over to greet him without saying a word.

"Han...Hanshi, you are coming, let me tell you earlier, so I am prepared, right?" Wang Xingduo smiled all over his face, with a flattering and welcoming look, but he didn't know whether it was because of horror or fear, Wang Xingduo spoke with vibrato.

However, Han Dongmin didn't care about him, snorted, and pushed Wang Xingduo aside, then walked forward with full respect and apology, bowed to Ye Fan, and worshiped immediately.

"It's me, Han Dongmin, who has no eyes and no knowledge of superiors. I offended Master Ye. Please forgive me!"

Han Dongmin's words are like a boulder falling into the sea, causing thousands of waves.