Chapter: 1582

One after another, like roaring beasts, black off-road vehicles began to surround them.

In the car, there were people firing guns constantly.

"Master Lu! We have been deceived! This is a trap!"

Seeing the brothers fall one by one, Hong Niu was furious.

"Get in the car quickly! Escort Miss Cao to break out!"

Lu Chen made a quick decision.

"What about you?"

Concubine Cao Xuan frowned.

"These people can't hurt me, you go first, I'll come back." Chase Lu urged.

While speaking, the silver needles in his hand were thrown out one after another, and the snipers hidden in the forest were shot and killed one by one.

However, there were too many enemies around, and gunfire of all kinds kept coming, making it impossible to suppress them.

"be careful!"

Concubine Cao Xuan nodded, stopped talking nonsense, and finally got in the car.

She knew that staying here would only distract Lu Chen.

"Hong Niu, protect Miss Cao."

Lu Chen turned his head and exhorted solemnly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will never let Miss Cao hurt a hair!"

Hong Niu responded, then nodded to a few of his confidants and shouted: "You guys, get in the car and break out with me!"


Several people responded, drove their own vehicles, escorted Hong Niu's car all the way, and quickly drove away before the encirclement circle was formed.


Seeing someone running away, the first few off-road vehicles immediately turned around and tried to chase them down.

As a result, halfway through the drive, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and blocked the off-road vehicle.

"Kill him!"

The co-pilot's commander gave a cold snort.

The driver kicked the accelerator and slammed into the figure fiercely.


Lu Chen took a step forward, and slowly pulled his fist back, like a big bow charged with power.

When the off-road vehicle hit him, he punched him hard.
