Chapter: 3391

If this news spreads, not only the southwest will be shocked, but the whole world will go crazy!

"Ich liquid? Really ectoplasm? Oh my god!"

Seeing Shi Hao dancing, the people around him were stunned at first, and then looked ecstatic.

Everyone was so excited that they dropped the jewelry in their hands, rushed forward as quickly as possible, and began to drink the spiritual fluid in the pool.

As warriors, they naturally know the value of spiritual liquid.

Those are gold, silver and jewels, far beyond comparison, and a once-in-a-lifetime wealth.

It is no exaggeration to say that every sip of spiritual liquid is equivalent to eating a thousand-year-old ginseng.

Not only can it greatly improve your cultivation, but it can also extend your life, improve your physique, and even reshape your meridians, making you completely reborn.

How could such a treasure not be exciting?

At this moment, everyone no longer cared about their image, they were all lying on the edge of the pool, holding the spiritual liquid in their hands and drinking it.

The greedy look was like a person who had been thirsty for three days in the desert and suddenly saw a sweet spring.

I can't wait to suck it dry in one gulp.

"This full pool of spiritual liquid is enough for our major forces to enjoy. It's not in vain that we worked hard and risked our way here."

Zhang Qingqing sighed while drinking water.

The words seemed excited, but in fact they were somewhat suggestive.

Among the several forces present, only Li Qingcheng was the dominant one. She was afraid that the other party would become greedy and swallow up a pool of spiritual liquid.

After all, spiritual liquid is different from ordinary gold and silver jewelry.

For those who are rich and wealthy, gold, silver and jewelry are nothing.

However, the spiritual fluid that can improve one's cultivation and prolong life is a treasure that wealthy people seek after even their wealth is spent.

So what she just said was to remind Li Qingcheng that one person couldn't swallow so much spiritual fluid, so it would be the wisest choice for all parties to share it equally.

"Yes! If you can take part of the spiritual liquid and bring it back to the sect, it will definitely increase the sect's power to a big level!" Shi Hao smiled excitedly.

After taking a few sips of the spiritual liquid, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Because the spiritual energy in the body is too rich, it cannot be digested for a while. If you drink it again, you will probably explode and die.

The other warriors also felt something strange.