Oh, God. Dorian, Malcolm, Gabriel, Colin� they�d been turned into vampires at the same time. Maybe even Aiden too.
A tiny arrow of sympathy pinged her heart, cracking the hard wall she�d tried so hard to plaster over it.
She drew a breath to ask another question�a
million other questions�but Dorian was already shutting down, his shoulders bunching with tension, the air thickening between them.
"As I said, I�ll return as soon as I can," he said. "In the meantime�"
"Wait! My driver!" Charley blurted out, suddenly realizing she�d lost her purse in the mayhem. She hadn�t texted Travis about her plans to stay. "I must�ve dropped my phone in the gardens. If he doesn�t hear from me, he�ll come looking�"