Chapter: 104
Armitage had left with the other guests, but the truth about the party�s abrupt end would certainly reach his ears soon, if it hadn�t already. Now, even if the old mage was still keen on the merger of their companies, Dorian doubted anyone in the Armitage line would so easily accept a bound partnership for Isabelle�including Isabelle herself.

Dorian couldn�t blame them. After all, how could he protect a bound witch if he couldn�t even protect one of his most vulnerable guests?

His fingers tightened on the glass, mind churning.

He had no clear idea what had prompted tonight�s attack against Charlotte. Though he suspected his refusal of Duchanes� many ridiculous offers�an alliance, blood slaves, Jacinda�s services�had put House Redthorne on the coven�s shit list, Dorian never would�ve predicted such a strong retaliation. It was an extreme response guaranteed to unleash hell on the offending party, and as little as he thought of Renault Duchanes, he�d never considered him a blatant, suicidal fool.

Which meant one of two things:
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