Chapter: 107
Dorian gripped the back of her neck in one impossibly strong hand, the other capturing her wrists behind her back. Then, mouth close to her ear, "If you�re going to threaten an apex predator after he specifically warned you not to, best to follow through."

"Fuck� off." She jerked against his hold, but it was no use. He was a wall of solid muscle and supernatural strength, and he had her exactly where he wanted her.

Trapped. Helpless. Vulnerable.

"Quite the conundrum, isn�t it?" He dragged his mouth along the curve of her neck to her shoulder, then back again, pausing behind her ear, his breath hot. "You�ve managed to trigger the predatory response in a beast that could kill you faster than you could draw your next breath."

"Do it, then, you fucking monster!" she cried, tired of the power games, the secrets, the lies. She�d come all this way to spy, to help her crew rob him blind� Maybe she deserved to die at his hand. At his bite. "If you�re so set on killing me, finish it!"
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