Again and again he drove into her, then pulled out slowly, slamming back into her slick heat with a force that only made her want more.
She sighed into the pillow, arching up to bring him in deeper, her body so needy, so hot for him. Beneath her flesh, the sheets felt soft and cool, a delicious contrast to the heat from the muscled force of nature attacking her from behind.
After all Charley�s fantasies, the memories of his touch in the closet, their dirty nighttime phone calls, their interrupted games in the guest house, the wild kiss in the basement�
nothing could�ve prepared her for the intense feel of his punishing cock.
Sliding his hand into her hair, he tugged her head back, brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. "I�ve been wanting to do this ever since I saw you in that penthouse lobby. All I could think about was tying you up in my bed, fucking you so hard and deep you�d bloody well
taste it."
She whimpered beneath him, the commanding, masculine sound of his voice mingling with the devilish words to push her close to the edge again, her entire body wound as tight as a drum.