Chapter: 125

"Yeah, she basically loaded her onto a bus and shipped her off to New York with nothing but some old clothes and my address." Charley told him the story, the familiar disappointment and disgust churning inside. "It all worked out, though. Sasha�s the best thing my mother ever gave me. The best person I know. I used to wish�" She trailed off, catching the look of pity on Dorian�s face. "Oh, God. Please don�t look at me like that."

"Like what, love?"

"Like that." She reached over and traced her fingers across his forehead, then down to his jaw. "You feel sorry for me."

"No." He grabbed her wrist, turning her hand over to press a kiss to her palm. "I just wish I could take away your pain. No one should have to endure�"
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