Leaving Ravenswood, she had every intention of doing just that. But halfway across the Tappan Zee Bridge, she�d gotten a call from a frantic, freaked-out Sasha that changed everything.
Rudy had shown up at Perk today during Sasha�s shift, where he proceeded to order a cappuccino, plop his sketchy ass at the counter, and lurk.
For five fucking hours.
He�d peppered her with questions about her dating life, about Charley�s, about whether Charley�s so-called "new boyfriend" had ever been to their Park Avenue penthouse. He wanted to know if Sasha realized her sister was "whoring around" upstate this weekend, and if she�d heard from their "slut of a mother" lately. He told Sasha she was a stunning young woman�that their mother was a fool to toss a girl like her into the trash.
Sasha was so rattled, she didn�t even leave when her shift ended�she picked up a double, just so she wouldn�t have to exit the caf� until Rudy was long gone.