"Both?" Charley shrugged. "I don�t really know. That�s your department."
Travis nodded, surprisingly non-confrontational. She could almost see the wheels turning in his head. As far as Charley knew, Rudy had never fenced cars before, but Travis� involvement seemed to change things.
"So that about does it," Charley said, rising from the chair. "I�ll get you the list of pieces once I�ve had a chance to think about everything again, but this should give you a pretty good idea of what�s going on over there."
"Very informative," Rudy said, unable to keep the note of satisfaction from his voice.
Charley finally relaxed. All in all, her presentation had been pretty convincing�she could see it in the way Rudy smiled now, greedy and eager, eyes glittering with the promise of a hot score.