"Last time I checked, my balls are still very much in my possession." Dorian reached for his belt buckle. "Would you like proof?"
"You spent half the meeting today with a hard-on the size of the Eiffel Tower. It wasn�t difficult to tell where your mind had wandered."
"Piss off," he said, but there wasn�t any ire behind it. Dorian blew out a breath and loosened his tie, knowing damn well Aiden could spot his lies a hundred miles away. "I can�t stop thinking about her."
"That�s precisely the problem." Aiden rose from the chair, crossing to the other side of the office and rifling through the file cabinet. He slammed one drawer, then opened another. "This is a critical time for us, and here you are, allowing yourself to be distracted by�"
"What in the bloody hell are you looking for?"