Chapter: 9
The man didn�t flinch, and he sure wasn�t buying her ditzy female act, either. He took another step forward, forcing her back into the bedroom. The chill in his eyes shifted to solid ice, a look of deadly determination Charley knew all too well.

Shit. She really, really didn�t want to tase the guy. Tasing meant causing a scene. It meant people asking questions and calling the cops. It meant getting noticed.

But she wasn�t about to let this guy fuck with her, either.

"Back off, asshole," she warned, her Jersey-girl soul breaking through the refined exterior as she pointed Beyonc� at his crotch. "Or I�ll send you home with a stutter and a smoking dick."

He grinned and raised his hands in surrender, and for a second Charley thought it was done. But then he lunged for her, knocking her purse and weapon to the ground, crushing her upper arms in a bruising grip.

Without hesitation, she slammed her knee into his exposed crotch.

But he didn�t go down. Didn�t even grunt. Just kept grinning at her, his teeth long and sharp and�

Are those fangs?

Charley didn�t waste time second-guessing. She threw herself forward, the unexpected move buying her a momentary reprieve from his clutches, but then he was right back in her face again, hauling her against the brick wall of his chest as he kicked the door shut behind them.

The door didn�t slam, though.

Someone caught it.

"Is everything all right in here?" A smooth, deep-voiced English accent wrapped around her like a hot bath, and when the man it belonged to stepped inside, Charley gasped.

It was him. Her fantasy man from the lobby.

Perfect timing, hot stuff.

He took one look at the scene�giant asshole manhandling her like a rag doll, her belongings scattered on the floor�and his body went rigid.

"Renault Duchanes," he said, his tone so dark, Charley�s skin erupted in goosebumps.

But that was all it took. One word, one look, and the asshole released her.

"You two are� acquainted?" The creep�Duchanes�stepped away from Charley like she was radioactive.

Ignoring the question, her man turned to her and held out his arm. "They�re almost ready to start the bidding, love. Shall we?"

Love? God, the sweet seduction in his voice made her ache.

She took the offered arm, surprised at how firm his forearm muscle was, thick and taut beneath a soft wool suit jacket.

Duchanes narrowed his eyes, but Charley wouldn�t give him the satisfaction of calling them out. Flashing a smug smile, she said to her man, "You were right, honey. These auctions do bring out the douchebags."

"I warned you." He winked at her, but when he turned back to the other guy, it felt like someone sucked all the air out of the room.

Tension simmered between them. Clearly, they knew each other. Clearly, they weren�t friends. They seemed to be having an entire conversation with nothing more than dirty looks and threatening scowls.

Finally, Duchanes backed off, exiting the room with grunt of annoyance.