"Dorian, wait! Aren�t you going to tell me about Hermes?"
He stopped and let out a deep sigh. "
That�s what�s on your mind?"
Heat burned in her cheeks, but she couldn�t stop now. "I need to know. It�s important."
"Fine. I�ve got another deal for you, then." Dorian glanced toward the upper floor, where the din of revelry still floated above them�laughter and clinking glasses, classical violins, footsteps echoing on marble. "As soon as I clear these
wretched people from my home, I�ll fix us a nightcap, and I�ll tell you anything you want to know about Hermes, as well as anything else in my collection."
Charley did some quick calculations, hoping she had enough time before Travis came sniffing around. With a little more of that luck she�d been banking on all night, she could get the scoop on Hermes, finagle a tour of the upstairs, and sneak in some questions about the LaPorte painting too.