Chapter: 98
"Compulsion, right?" she asked. "That�s what it�s called. You�re trying to use your vampire mojo on me to convince me I�m imagining the complete and utter shit-show I�ve witnessed. Those men who attacked me were vampires. You and your brothers are vampires. And rather than admit it, you want me to think I�m going crazy. Do you have any idea how messed up that is?"

"Charlotte, it�s not that simple. I�m�"

"Don�t. Don�t come another step closer." She grabbed the iron poker from the set beside the fireplace, brandishing it like a weapon. It wouldn�t do her any good, but Dorian admired her guts. "I remember now," she said. "I remember exactly what happened tonight. I remember� God, I remember what happened in Central Park too!"

"What happened in Central Park?" Aiden asked.

"Not now, Aiden." Dorian turned back to Charlotte. "If you�ll let me explain, I�ll�"
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