Chapter: 1138

If you didn't encounter that mirage, then naturally you would have no chance that day!

The conditions for going to the island must be at the right time, place and people, which may be difficult for ordinary people, but for a high-grade craftsman like Xu Yuanzhi, he still has a way to go to the island!

It's just that you may have to suffer a little bit at sea to find the rules of going to the island. After all, this mirage is most likely to appear in the place where the sun shines after the storm.

Going to the island will be a bit more troublesome, but after you settle down on it, it will be much easier to come out and go up again!

At this time, on the train to Qingshan City, Xu Yuanzhi also tightly held the handkerchief in his hand, looked at the scenery outside the window helplessly and sighed: "Hey, I should let go of some obsessions."

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Five p.m.

Gu Chen sat on the bus for five or six hours, and his back was about to fall apart. This is when he finally arrived in Chaoge City!

"I go!"

The first thing he did when he got out of the car was to stretch and find a place to go to the bathroom.

If I had known that the car was so slow, I might as well have taken the train. The two places shown on the map were only more than 300 kilometers away, so why did the car drive for six hours!

And every time the navigation deviates from the main road, if there is a highway, the driver actually takes the national road, which makes Gu Chen a little confused!

I took the car from noon and arrived at night.

It was getting late again, which made Gu Chen have to decide to stay here for one night tonight.

While he was going to the bathroom, the phone in his pocket rang.

Taking it out, it turned out to be a call from Qiuyue.

"What's wrong?!"

Gu Chen was on the phone while going to the bathroom.

Qiuyue couldn't help asking suspiciously on the other end of the phone: "Why is there the sound of water?!"

"I'm in the bathroom!"

"..." She could imagine her speechless face through the phone, Qiuyue said in a deep voice on the phone: "Young Master Gu, although I admit that you are talented and good at martial arts! But do you really dare to break into the gate? !"

Chuangyuanmen is just an allusion, later generations use it to describe the kind of people who are not strong enough but always want to do things beyond their own abilities!

Gu Chen came out from the public toilet and smiled awkwardly: "It's too late for you to say these things now, I have already left Jiangzhou for two days!"

"Since you have decided, there is something I think you should know!"

Qiuyue said nervously on the other end of the phone: "I just got the news that Mr. Lin passed away!"

"Ah?! So suddenly?!"

Holding the phone, Gu Chen couldn't help exclaiming: "When is the funeral?!"

"Three days later!"

After hearing it for three days, Gu Chen couldn't help but nodded slightly: "There is still time!"

"There's one more thing!"