Chapter: 15

"Yes, yes, thank you bro!"

Just as everyone was getting to know each other and introducing each other, the door was pushed open at once.

"Why is the door so closed in broad daylight?!" A middle-aged man's voice came from outside.

Many people heard the sound and quickly threw the cigarettes on the ground.

I saw a young man wearing glasses, with a back combed hair, coming in from the outside with a smooth face.

"Ahem, it's the middle of the month!" The young man coughed.

Everyone hurriedly took out 300 yuan from their bags and handed it to Wang Hu, who then handed it over to the young man.

"Brother Liu, why didn't you come yesterday?!" Wang Hu smiled wryly while handing over the money respectfully.

The young man with the back comb nodded some money and said with a smirk: "I was with my girlfriend yesterday, I forgot!"

He turned his head and glanced at Gu Chen: "This newcomer?!"

"Yes yes yes! New here!"

Wang Hu was very knowledgeable, so he took out another three hundred yuan from his pocket: "He doesn't know the rules, Brother Liu, please forgive me!"

"Hmph! You're smart, teach me more, don't stand here like a fool like me next time!" The young man rolled his eyes at Gu Chen and said angrily.

"Okay, Young Master Liu, go slowly!"

Wang Hu opened the door flatteringly, and sent him out respectfully.

After sending the young man out, Wang Hu spit on the ground: "Damn! The one who comes here every month is more punctual than my wife and aunt. Use our money to raise a girlfriend! What the hell!"

"Since you are not willing to give it, why do you still give it?!" Gu Chen looked at everyone with a puzzled expression and asked in doubt.

Everyone was drooping their heads, only Wang Hu pulled out a Huazi again and sighed helplessly: "This guy is called Liu Yang, and his uncle is the head of the personnel department. He just uses chicken feathers as an arrow to count everyone's clock-in and attendance. He is in charge." , If the full attendance is not enough every month, wages will be deducted, or even asked to resign, it will be the responsibility of the personnel department.�

Every company is like this. Employees need to clock in and out for statistics. If they are late or leave early, they will be deducted money, but the final statistics are the responsibility of the HR department.

At the beginning, the guy named Liu Yang came to collect money from everyone, in the name of borrowing money, and everyone was unwilling.

Who knew that everyone's wages would be cut in half that month, and next month Liu Yang would come to borrow money from everyone, and each person would have to borrow 500.

To put it bluntly, it�s about giving three hundred to one person. At the beginning, it was in the name of borrowing money, and later it was like asking for debts. It came every month when the time came.

Junli Group's salary is very good, even for security guards, the monthly salary is 4500, and they also pay pension insurance, so everyone cherishes this job very much.

This is also the main reason why many people want to come here to work. In order to keep their jobs, they can only swallow their anger and give 300 yuan a month.

"Is there no one in the company?!" After hearing this, Gu Chen also had an amused look on his face.

Wang Hu couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Brother Chen, you just came here, and you don't understand yet. The water in the company is deep! I'll help you pay this month first, and you can pay it yourself next month. After all, everyone's salary is low. many��"

"Hehe, it's interesting!"

I was blackmailed on my first day at work, hehe...

The work in the security room is relatively leisurely. During the day, it is just to register the people who enter.

During the period, there was nothing to do, and the main work was at night, because Junli Group mainly made jewelry, and new styles of necklaces and rings would be released every once in a while.