Chapter: 2065

This is the principle of the same clan of all laws!

But no matter which one it is, whether it is in the world of cultivators or in the world of warriors, the level of the old celestial master is obvious to all and recognized, and no one will dare to challenge the old celestial master.

Naturally, it is impossible for Gu Chen to be so arrogant. He is sure to ravage the heads of other sects, but this old celestial master is seventy or eighty years older than him, a full five times, which is equivalent to five him. Maybe it can barely be the opponent of the old heavenly master.

Moreover, he is a real Taoist celestial master who has inherited the essence of the skills of dozens of previous generations of masters. If he is asked to fight Gu Chen, it will only make the outside world feel that the Dragon and Tiger Sect is bullying people!

Qin Huaisheng immediately walked to the front of the hall, cupped his fists and said respectfully: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will not embarrass the Dragon and Tiger Sect!"

"The day after tomorrow will be a feast of hundreds of families! The Dragon and Tiger Sect will select the biggest disciple of the year, and you will give the Dragon and Tiger Sect a good face at this meeting!"

The old master said lightly.

This is the internal annual meeting of the Dragon and Tiger Sect. It is held every three years. The main purpose is to check the level of the disciples of the elders and make a ranking. Qin Huaisheng is in his twenties and has already experienced three There is no doubt that he has been the leader of the Baijia Banquet for three years!

There are rewards for the top three every year. Money is one aspect, and there are advanced exercises. That is to say, the higher your ranking, the stronger the Taoist exercises you come into contact with. The stronger ones are getting stronger and weaker. It will become weaker and weaker, and there will be polarization.

"This matter! Our Dragon and Tiger Sect is in charge!"

The old heavenly master slowly stood up and said in a deep voice: "But I want to make one matter what the result is after this time, the major sects are not allowed to interfere in things outside the rivers and lakes. Cities need to develop and technology must advance. Everything is up to one's own temperament, I won't say much about the benefits of the medicinal material business to our various sects, everyone knows! How can it be possible to take advantage of the benefits and still want to control the market!"

The most lacking thing for cultivators is high-quality medicinal materials as auxiliary materials. Those medicinal materials in Xijiang Province before, even ten-year-old ginseng were difficult to buy.

Not to mention some other precious medicinal materials, it took a lot of effort to find them if the various sects wanted to find them.

Or go to the Ye family in the north to buy, and look for such a person in the south who can provide them with various elixirs and precious medicinal materials, but the condition is to control the medicinal material market in Xijiang Province.

These stubborn sects are obsessed with obstruction, want to take advantage of others, and want to occupy the market by themselves, and let them take all the benefits, so Gu Chen can agree? !

It�s like a storefront, which was struggling to make ends meet. Now someone wants to spend money to repackage the store. The annual dividends will be more than the original money, but the condition is that the right to speak is gone, so they can only wait quietly. With dividends.

But the boss not only wants to pay dividends, but also has to occupy a large share, not only that, but also to continue to be in charge of the store.

Presumably no investor would be so willing to be taken advantage of and spend a lot of money to package a store, but in the end he doesn't even have the right to manage it, right? !

In recent years, it is precisely because there are too many hidden sects intervening in affairs outside the rivers and lakes that Xijiang Province is now in chaos. The sects and wealthy families have colluded with each other, which has caused a great impact.

Moreover, the hidden world sect has already floated on the surface of modern society, violating the treaty that was made before, Gu Chen's appearance is to drive the hidden world sect back into the rivers and lakes, and prevent them from interfering too much in the lives of ordinary people .

Even the old heavenly master said so, and the heads of the various sects also looked at each other in dismay.

"Old Master, the business in Xijiang Province has to be done by ourselves in Xijiang Province!"

"Let's see if we can take the agency right from this kid this time, and then we will do our own business, even if we don't interfere in the lives of the people below, then the management of this economy must be in our hands!"

"Yes! Otherwise, we can't change from active to passive. Although the conditions given by this kid are good, we will retreat behind the scenes from then on. He will be in charge of the future economy of Xijiang Province. Doesn't this mean that we are stuck Have you mastered the throats of our sects?! What if he refuses to recognize anyone in the future?!"

Hearing these people's request, the old heavenly master could hardly listen anymore.

This is not a typical person who wants to run the horse, but also does not want to feed the horse. He wants to do Gu Chen's medicinal material business, but the key is that he is unwilling to compromise and give up the economic control of Xijiang Province!

I don't know about other places, but in Xijiang Province, the major families basically have a sect as their support, so a large sum of money is dedicated to the sect every year, which invisibly increases the taxes and fees of the lower class people!

Because these sects do not pay taxes, but a large amount of money goes into the pockets of these hermit sects every year. If there is a loophole in the money, the only way to collect it is to find the people below.

This is also why the bride price in Xijiang Province is so high, and the house price is so high that every family feels that they cannot make ends meet.

With so much money in secret, the price of goods will naturally rise. Therefore, the economy of Xijiang Province is developing every year, but the money has not been seen. It is not that no money has been made, but a large part of it has been hidden. The world sect is divided and gone!