Chapter: 2536

"Sixty or seventy forces! But those forces are all directed at that guy. Isn't it a godsend opportunity to occupy a piece of land in the devil's capital while the current chaos is in chaos?!" The woman said in a deep voice, arm in arm. .



"It's really long hair, short knowledge! I don't have people for the time being, and I don't have money if I want money. Is there anything I eat and spit it out?! Besides, you gave my grandpa the 10 billion , go to my grandfather to ask for it!"

I went to find Mr. Kong, but Mr. Kong shirked it to his grandson, saying that he is now retired and not the head of the family, and Kong Muhong is in charge of all family affairs.

The angry woman slammed the folder on Kong Muhong's body, turned around and left.

After the woman had completely left, an old man who had been sitting in the dark came out slowly at this time. This was the military advisor specially assigned to him by the old man, and he was also a counselor who followed the old man to make suggestions.

After assisting the old man, now he can come to assist the young master again!

"Young master, are you really not involved in the matter of Shanghai?!" The butler looked at him suspiciously and asked.

Now the major aristocratic families are all vying for the territory of the Modu. The city�s economic development has surpassed that of the Imperial Capital every year. It is located in one of the top ten cities in the world. It only needs to occupy a small territory in the Modu for a year. Make tens of billions casually.

If you occupy Huangpu District, Huangpu New District, Jing'an District and other economic zones, it is not a problem to have a few hundred or hundreds of billions a year.

But the other families are busy with their work, but the Kong family seems to be peaceful, and they don't even think about participating in the magic capital.

Kong Muhong hit two shots into the hole in a row, smiled lightly and said: "The Wang family, the Cao family's return from the magic capital is a sign. Since yesterday, the Cao family's funds have been blown overseas three times, and they have lost money directly." Nearly 10 billion in funds, uncle, don�t you understand?!�


Then another club went out, and all the balls on the scene went into the hole.

Since the members of the Cao family and Wang family hurriedly returned to the imperial capital Kong Muhong last night, they already guessed the ending.

The breaking of the Cao family's capital chain means that someone from abroad is targeting the Cao family, but why is it so coincidental that when they were dealing with Gu Chen in Shanghai, someone from abroad broke their economic chain.

Is this a coincidence? !

Bai Ruyue was also involved in this matter, and Murong's family is also getting involved now. It is obviously impossible to rely solely on those foreign organizations. The sudden attack did not win, let alone waited for them to react later.

"But news came from the devil city that the little baby of the Gu family was stabbed through the heart yesterday, and now his life and death are uncertain. The major families are all thinking of taking advantage of the victory to pursue them. Isn't our reaction too flat?!" The butler looked at He also said suspiciously.

Now the gossip is all rumors that Gu Chen is in danger, so those organizations will definitely try to get rid of him these two days.

In three days, if those organizations still can't take down Gu Chen, they should take the initiative to retreat and leave Xia Guo.

Yesterday was the first day, and today is the second day. If you can�t win tonight, then tomorrow will be the general attack. This is an unwritten rule. If the major organizations can�t complete the task in three days, it means that the task is completed. The probability of the task is very small, so you have to evacuate actively.

"How true is this rumor?!" Kong Muhong smiled helplessly.

Without seeing Gu Chen in danger with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it. It would be abnormal if this guy died in the hands of these organizations so easily.

late at night.

It was supposed to sleep quietly, but in the streets and alleys of the magic city, the forces of all parties were fighting openly and secretly.

The vicinity of Du's house was also on the inner third floor, and the outer three floors were completely surrounded.

Bai Ruyue was sitting in the hall where Mr. Du should have been, and you could have been playing a few Go games in your hands.
