Chapter: 2599

Everyone also picked up the beer one after another and drank the wine in the glass clean.

That hearty laughter was in stark contrast to the heroic laughter on the battlefield in the past.

Just like that sentence, the youth of our generation and the Huaxia of the prosperous age can go back then, and they can go today!

Listening to the hearty laughter of everyone in the yard, Du Niao felt an inexplicable sense of security for some reason.

The next day, early morning.

Du Niaowa also got up early to pack her things and was ready to go to work, but when she just got up to get dressed and washed, she found that Gu Chen and others were also packing their things.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Du Niaowei felt quite uncomfortable.

"Are you really leaving today?! Didn't you say you still want to help me complete the 6D modeling technology?!"

Du Niaoyou asked suspiciously.

Gu Chen stood on the edge of the railing and spread his hands: "That thing won't take long!"

"How long will it take?! Are you kidding me? I haven't made this after a year of work. How long do you think it will take?!"

"Ten minutes!"

"Ten minutes?! Are you kidding me?!"

"This thing is the same as you do a problem. If you think wrong, you can't do it in another year. As long as you think right, it may only be a few minutes!"


In the past, there was a company whose machine was malfunctioning. After paying 10,000 US dollars, many people could not find out what the problem was.

As a result, it took only one minute, or even less than a minute, for the homeless to solve the problem and get $10,000.

He just drew a line on that machine and the problem was found.

So as long as you find the problem, it is very easy to solve it, but if you can't find the problem, you have been busy for a month or a year, it still doesn't help!

That painting is only worth one dollar, but the remaining 9,999 dollars is a payment for IQ.

"Yes, yes, hurry up! I know you can't be quick?!"

Du Niao stuck out her tongue and said playfully.

As soon as Gu Chen heard the meaningless words, the cigarette caught between his fingertips fell to the ground.

"Hey! Can you stop saying these intriguing words! Who's coming!"

The cleaning lady downstairs and the cook in the kitchen all laughed involuntarily.

"I understand, I understand! I don't dislike you, it's your ability to be fast! Didn't you just say it yourself?! You are fast, just a few minutes! You said it yourself!"

Du Niao spread her hands and said with a smirk.

Those who know can understand that the two are talking about work, but those who don't know will think wrong when they pick up half a sentence!

Isn't this detrimental to a man's dignity? !

"I don't care about you!"