Chapter: 2955

"You can discuss this matter with Yue'er. If it is useful to the country, I fully support it!"

The old man stroked his beard and laughed.

Bai Ruyue turned her head and saw that Gu Chen was in a daze, she couldn't help asking in a low voice: "What's wrong?!"

"Oh, it's okay! I just thought of something. You said that this technology has come out, is it convenient for everyone, or is it harmful to everyone?!"

Gu Chen asked slightly hesitantly.

Just like a mobile phone, the original meaning is to facilitate people who are thousands of miles away. When there was no mobile phone in the past, everyone had a meal to connect with each other.

Now that there is a mobile phone, everyone plays with their mobile phones with their heads down after eating, which completely lacks the taste of the past.

Originally, the old man was old, and the children and grandchildren came back to visit to show their filial piety. Could it be that after this technology came out, everyone was too lazy to come back, and making a phone call at any time was regarded as the completion of the task.

Bai Ruyue understood exactly what kind of worry Gu Chen was in, but she just sighed helplessly: "Sophistication of the world is not a reason to hinder the development of science and technology! Otherwise, what is the difference from the famous carriage bank back then?!"

England was the first to manufacture automobiles at that time, but automobiles robbed the business of driving horse-drawn carriages, so people made troubles, and automobiles had to be stopped, and things like trams appeared.

At that time, the car was really banned for a period of time. For example, only horse-drawn carriages were allowed to travel on a single day, and cars were allowed to travel on two days. But it was because of this that the car technology lagged behind other countries.

This kind of thinking is to look backwards at once, and it is a hindrance to the times. Now that Gu Chen has researched this technology.

The rumors have already leaked out, even if Gu Chen doesn't release it, people from other countries will definitely study this thing crazily.

When other people research it, it will be the fruit of picking it up.

Because 5G mobile phones have become popular now, people in other countries buy a mobile phone to study, and maybe they can really research something. Gu Chen�s pre-sale mobile phone has been released, and there will definitely be one or two mobile phones that will be bought at a high price Shipped abroad for research.

If Gu Chen is worried about these things, if someone else robs him of the fruit, then the loss outweighs the gain!

If this thing is researched, the advantages must outweigh the disadvantages. It is impossible that the times are still going backwards, right? !

Gu Chen also made a toast to the old man, because he had eaten at Jiming Temple before, so he was here purely to have a drink with him.

However, the old man's alcohol capacity is not very good, he didn't drink much and was helped back into the house.

When the rest of the Bai family saw the old man, they all went back to sleep in the house. They also secretly finished their meal and then left. When they walked out of the gate, they all left sideways.


"Are you so scary?!"

Bai Ruyue asked softly with a chuckle.

When these people saw Gu Chen and the ten halls of Yan Luo, they simply took a detour.

Gu Chen also shrugged his shoulders and jokingly said: "I gave you all my tenderness, so others will naturally only see my fierce side!"

"Spoof, it's still the same as before!"

Bai Ruyue rolled his eyes at him and said angrily.

She has been with Gu Chen for so many lives, her appearance is basically the same in every life, everything else has changed, but this character is really deeply rooted.

Lust is still lust, but ambition is still the same!

After these people left, Bai Ruyue slowly got up and took Gu Chen to the ancestral hall of Baibai's family to worship, and then left the Bai's house.