Chapter: 3098

"What a big chess game!" Li Qing exclaimed as he walked into the woods.

In the depths of this park, there is a particularly large chessboard, and it looks like an endgame.

"It seems that if you really want to break this game, you have to win this game!" Lan Wancheng nodded softly.

This chess game seems to be the endgame left by the two people in the middle of the duel, and suddenly disappeared. There is often an old man under the flyover, who can challenge the endgame.

Ten yuan for a challenge, and if you win, you can take a hundred away. The chess game left by this person is that it is very difficult for ordinary people to win him, otherwise they will not dare to let you challenge for ten yuan. You can take one hundred.

This endgame should be similar to the endgame under the bridge that day. No matter how it is played, the opponent's chances of winning should be greater!

While several people were thinking about it, the chess formation suddenly seemed to be activated.

Like Fei Tian, ??he stood in front of the general.

Gu Chen lit a cigarette leisurely, went up and kicked the cannon carriage, making it move forward eight steps!

And turn the gun head to aim at the opponent's horse!

This endgame is an endgame, but the chess pieces are all made according to the attributes of this chess. For example, the cannon cart is really a cannon made of stone, and the horse is really a horse carved out of stone!

If you want to win, you must first move the stone.

Then the other party was another horse jumping day, trying to eat Gu Chen's cannon cart.

"The second from the left enters the first!" Gu Chen said in a deep voice.

Lan Wancheng hurriedly went up to push the 'cart' that Gu Chen was referring to, but no matter how he pushed it, he couldn't move it: "Grass! This must weigh three hundred catties!"

"According to the weight of this stone, it is estimated to be six hundred catties!"

Seeing that he was pushing so hard, Gu Chen went up and kicked the stone again. The stone that was still motionless just now flew out like cotton candy.

Immediately, Lan Wancheng stood there in embarrassment, pushing the stone that he couldn't move with all his strength, and Gu Chen flew out with one kick. This is so embarrassing!

Soon, the opponent played chess quickly again, as if they felt that Gu Chen's chess skills are so sharp, if he continues to grind like this, he will definitely lose, so the chessboard is moving very fast, and there may be some chess games for you before. Time to think.

But now the chessboard is played directly one move after another, and the reaction time will not give you more than three seconds.

Even Murong Yi is still counting the moves of the chess game, Gu Chen has already made a move!

"First three to eight, destroy the cannon!"

Gu Chen kicked his own cannon carriage, and soon the cannon carriage rushed out and smashed the opponent's cannon carriage to pieces, but the opponent's horse also trampled Gu Chen's 'carriage' to pieces!

The stalemate lasted for about three minutes!

He flicked the cigarette butt into the air, and kicked one of his pawns forward. Soon, the opponent's generals were surrounded by Gu Chen's horses and cannons. No matter how he moved, he was dead!


The entire chessboard was directly shattered, not only that, but all the tiger-shaped sculptures around it exploded into pieces.

"Okay! Now bury the previous talisman paper!" Gu Chen said in a flat tone with his hands on his back.

At the same time, in a small wooden house hundreds of miles away from Qianshan Mountain, a man in a black cloak was shocked by the explosion and took a few steps back.

On the sand table is a shrunken chessboard, which is now broken into pieces, and there is a mobile phone on the table, which is the current chess game played on the sand table.