Chapter: 3791

Thousands of real estate projects, as long as there are so few funds that cannot be turned over, they will collapse in an instant. The problems involved in the Qilin Group are similar to those involved in the Evergrande Group at that time.

With such a large layout, it seems that there are traces of this group in any industry in the world. There were only a few profitable projects, but now it is focusing on new energy.

A long time ago, some people have said that new energy is a scam. The reason for researching new energy vehicles is that the consumption of oil production on the earth is too large, and oil is irreversible and the recovery is very slow.

In the future, there must be something to replace oil-driven cars, so the new energy concept was introduced.

Charging the car is not called new energy. Electric cars have appeared a long time ago.

It's completely fried rice, which is equivalent to plucking wool, and electricity consumption is also consuming energy. If all petrol vehicles are eliminated and all electric vehicles are used, the price of electricity will definitely increase in the future.

Using renewable things as energy is called new energy, such as water, soil, etc., which can be seen everywhere.

The reason why the topic of new energy is a clich� is that the price of oil has risen recently, and this is likely to be a trend in the future.

The Kirin Group is simply the kind that sees the needles, and immediately proposed the new energy of 'brown', saying that it is low in cost and has strong electrical conductivity. If it is installed in a car, it can drive more than a thousand kilometers.

It is just like installing a battery, and it is advertised that this kind of thing will be equipped in major gas stations in the future, which is faster than refueling and can be recycled for continuous use.

As soon as this gimmick was thrown out, it immediately caused a series of reactions.

Many people don't know what this 'coffee' energy is, so they invest all their money in it, so the Qilin Group is plundering the world's wool inside and out.

"See the problem?!"

While Gu Chen was staring at the dense data for comparison, suddenly Qiuyue's voice came from outside the door.

Neither of them mentioned what happened just now, she just looked at the bed knowingly, and understood that her underwear had been thrown in the trash can.

"It's a big problem! What exactly does the Li family want to do?! Now they are all looking at Xia Guo?!" Gu Chen looked at the documents and data on the table and said in a deep voice.

Anyway, this Li family used to be separated from Xia Kingdom, more or less of the same origin, you can just cut off the wool of other countries, and now even your own family is not spared.

Is it really so shameless to make money? !

Now Qilin Group is just playing Tai Chi, so far it seems that many people have been involved, even Zhou Botong, the ship king of Ma Laixiya!

They have already set up 100 billion in it. Recently, their group has established a new company and plans to set its headquarters in Hangzhou!

In other words, the Kirin Group intends to bring rich people from all over the world to Xia Guolai, and then cut wool here. When the new company is established, there will definitely be new shareholders and new shares!

When new stocks enter the market, there will be a three-month lock-up period, which means that after your money is invested, you will see the effect after three months, and you will not be able to get it out during this period.

This is the most commonly used method. Maybe you invest money in it, and the stock will be gone later.

But in the past few days, the voice of this 'coffee' energy is getting louder and louder. Smart people may analyze the doorway in it carefully, but the fools who think they are smart but are not smart will always be deceived!

Because they thought they saw the right timing, but they lost as soon as they entered the field.

"Kirin Group used 300 million bridge holes and 3 trillion yuan in leverage, and the money was not guaranteed by their company, but by six international banks in Xinjiapo!" Qiuyue smiled flatly and meaningfully.

This problem is actually the same as the financial product developed by Hangcheng Ma some time ago. With a small amount of money, it leveraged a hundred times leverage, but the risks are still borne by the country's major banks.

That is to say, a few hundred million was invested inside and outside, but hundreds of billions were returned, and the rest is the turnover between the bank and these investors.

Once there is any problem with this financial management, the bank will pay for it all, and then the other party can announce that the product is off the shelves.

Similarly, the Kirin Group is also repeating the old trick, throwing the risk to the bank, and then it will be full of chicken feathers, and Xinjiapo is also called the Li Family Dynasty, which is equivalent to harvesting the money from the following capital by himself, and bringing the whole world together. Both the capital and the rich and nobles were cut off.