Chapter: 4149

A man next to him exclaimed, and everyone looked over there.

Sure enough, the lights on the first floor turned on. Although it was turned on, there are six floors in this tower. Generally speaking, the ones on the bottom floor are the weakest.

The warlock Chen Wannian had at the time was able to pass the first level, and it took ten minutes, but Lan Wancheng took an hour!

It took only ten minutes for Chen Wannian's third-rate warlock to pass the first level, but it took Lan Wancheng, a well-known and upright warlock, an hour!

It only took an hour for the first level, isn't it more difficult as you go up? !

"The second floor!" The third from the left murmured in a low voice.

Gu Chen glanced at him: "I said, it's not like you broke into the tower, so there's no need to be so nervous, right?!"

"I don't know, this kind of thing is more nervous than going in by myself! Do you think Wancheng can do it?!"

"Okay! I trust him!"

He absolutely believes in Lan Wancheng's strength, this guy has been hiding it all the time, and often doesn't know his true strength.

So I still have to force it. He must believe in the ability of the Lan family, but he just doesn't understand how this guy can even break through the first floor so hard.

In that tower.

Lan Wancheng calmly bypassed the old man lying on the ground, and slowly walked up to the second floor.

"It's such a powerful technique, the Eight Great Skills have appeared again!" The old man said in a deep voice while clutching his chest.

He didn't look back, he kept walking up and said with a faint smile: "Senior, if you have more time, go out for a walk, the world has changed now!"

"Hmph! You just broke through the first floor, and you will definitely not be able to break through the sixth floor!"

The sixth floor is definitely a nightmare for any warlock. It has been a long time since no one has been able to break through the sixth floor.

Back then, Grandpa Baiying had a very good sorcerer in his hands, and it is said that he broke into the sixth floor because he spied a secret.

After figuring out the origin of mortals and seeing the secrets of heaven, even though they broke through, they still died later.

Lan Wancheng still walked up firmly: "Thank you for the reminder, senior, but I still have to go!"

"Then don't give it away!"

Outside the tower!

Gu Chen and the others looked at the clock again: "Forty minutes!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the lights on the second floor immediately lit up.

"Look, look, it's bright again, it's bright again!" the third from the left exclaimed.

Ji Shixuan also raised his head and looked in the direction of the tower.

"This guy, the shorter the time it goes up?!" Sheng Annan said in surprise.

It was exactly as everyone had guessed, one hour for the first floor, forty minutes for the second floor, and just half an hour for the third floor.

The higher he went up, the shorter the time it took. When he reached the fifth floor, he only took ten minutes to reach the sixth floor!