Chapter: 4586

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the room, rummaged through the books, leaving Elantra alone in the yard.

There are bottles and cans of traditional Chinese medicine everywhere. Once you enter the yard, you can see at least seven or eight pots burning, and the smell of various traditional Chinese medicines is mixed in it.

Just when he lifted a cover and took a closer look, Chang Yunshan suddenly rushed out of the room: "I know what that kid wants to do?! Come here!"


Elantra was stunned for two seconds, then walked towards him, Chang Yunshan grabbed his wrist and began to feel his pulse.

He finally showed the same eyes he used to look at Bai Ruohan back then, but he couldn't even feel his pulse.

I can't even feel the beating of the meridians. Is this still a human being? !

"Born with residual veins?!" Chang Yunshan asked curiously.

Elantra was stunned for a moment: "I haven't had a pulse all this time. Our vampires come out day and night, and it's our activity time at night, so at that time, we will have the same body temperature as your human race!"

That is to say, just like the vampires described in the past, they are afraid of sunlight and garlic during the day, so they can only hide and hang upside down in some dark and humid places to rest, and come out to hunt at night.

This guy just so happens to be on their diet!

"Why are you not afraid of the sun or onions?!" Chang Yunshan threw an onion at him in his hand, but Elantra didn't respond at all: "Is this pulse condition common to all of you, or is it just you? so?!"

"Of course the whole clan! And..."

Elantra caught the thrown onion and took a bite in front of his face: "Who told you that we are afraid of this?! Sometimes the main reason is that this thing is too hot, not afraid! I didn't say anything You can�t come out after daytime, but we are used to going out at night and resting during the day, if you can change the rest time, you can do it too!�

Now he only needs to play during the day and rest at night to be able to do the same work and rest as the human race. ,

So he couldn't understand why some people always thought they were afraid of onions, and other things like black dog blood.

"The progress of the times is really fast. Now even vampires are not afraid of the sun! Moreover, they can draw flowing blood! It's incredible! Could it be that God wants me to fill in the missing part of this traditional Chinese medicine? ?!"

We all know that Chinese medicine has always been about the art of unifying yin and yang and the five elements. The first half of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic talks about various acupuncture methods and medical techniques, but in the second half, it is basically not read by anyone!

Because what is taught is not just simple Chinese herbal medicine, there is a special record called the Renji series!

It tells that the best medicinal materials are actually not herbs, Ganoderma lucidum, but primates!

That is to say, the person himself, in fact, the effect of refining medicine with the human internal organs and the eight meridians is far stronger than that of traditional Chinese medicinal materials.

It's been a long time, and it's the first time he's seen a vampire who can go out like a normal person during the day!

Elantra worked harder, found a needle from nowhere, and pierced the blood vessel on his wrist.

A tube full of plasma was drawn out from the wrist. If you have to say one difference between the blood of the vampire and the blood of the human race, it is a little brighter red and thicker!

"Young Master Gu said, give senior your blood, and you will know what to do!"

He handed over the tube of blood, Chang Yunshan was dumbfounded.

Is this guy drawing blood so casually? !

"Do you mind, may I try it first?!" Chang Yunshan asked in a low voice.

"You please!"

Then, I saw him lift a lid and drip a few drops of blood into the boiling earthen jar.