Chapter: 4618

These three sentences were all inexplicable repetitions, and the boss couldn't help but chuckled.

The proprietress in front was holding a small gift, and the Black Forest Mousse Cake came over and placed it between Gu Yanxi and Sheng Annan.

"Congratulations, both of you. We have been observing in the store for a long time. You two are the champions of this couple's tacit understanding competition. This is your gift. I will give you free orders today! Welcome to visit next time!" The proprietress smiled. Said.

But, the boss quickly pulled his wife aside.

After a few seconds, the proprietress couldn't help being taken aback.

"Ah?! Not a couple?! How is it possible? Isn't the every move of the two of them just like the performance when they are in a relationship?!"

The boss also spread his hands, expressing his incomprehension. It was the first time he saw a 'couple' quarreling, and he would be so noisy that he would not admit that he was a couple.

It's so interesting!

"Let's check out, we've accepted the cake, how much it should be, then how much it should be!"

After finishing speaking, Sheng Annan directly took out a gold bar from his pocket and slapped it on the table.

As soon as the gold bar slapped on the table and made that bang sound, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted.

How can this be!

In what age, there are still people who bring gold bars to pay the bills. In ancient times, those princes and nobles would at most bring broken silver and small gold bars, but the gold bar he took out weighed at least a dozen catties. Weight, that is to say, it must have the appearance of eight kilograms, according to gold four hundred yuan per gram.

This is not 320,000, that is 3,200,000, it should be pure gold, a gold bar can buy a house in Jiangzhou!

Not to mention that these people were frightened, even Gu Yanxi was taken aback.

I used to think that this guy might just be a wanderer, a guy who didn't eat his last meal, but he didn't expect to be so rich? !


Holding the gold bar, the boss thought it wasn't heavy, but when he held it with one hand, it sank and almost didn't fall to the ground.

The boss was so scared that he quickly bit it with his teeth, and it was indeed able to bite. This gold is soft, and it can make teeth marks when bitten.

That's enough, the boss brought a flamethrower and burned the gold in front of everyone, nothing changed, and even burned brighter and brighter.

Not only gold, but also the kind of gold with a particularly high density!

"This is... Ten thousand pure gold. The price is several times more expensive than those thousand pure gold on the market. This piece has more than one suite, at least three suites!"

Just make a move, this is a piece that can buy a few houses in Jiangzhou!

Before, Gu Yanxi really thought that this guy might alienate him deliberately because of his family and lack of money, but now it seems that she was thinking too much.

Maybe Sheng Annan didn't think too much about it himself, he just knew that this gold can be circulated anywhere, even in today's society, gold is a hard currency!

I guess I didn't expect this thing to be so valuable. You must know that the house price in Jiangzhou is not cheap, and it can cost several million. A random gold bar can be worth tens of millions!

The price of ten thousand pure gold is not the price of ordinary thousand pure gold. Sheng Annan himself doesn't know how many gold bars like this are there.

The inheritance left by my adoptive father alone is estimated to be 80 to 90 large boxes, and each box contains 70 to 80 such gold bars.

Those things may not all belong to Sheng Annan, but as long as he wants, he can go back to southern Xinjiang to pick them up at any time, or have someone deliver them to him.

So he often says that he has no interest in money, maybe he really has no interest. He has no fixed place to live and does not need to buy a house. Buying a car is even more boring. Where a car can go, he can also go. , where the car can't go, he can still go.