Chapter: 4854

"Slightly slightly slightly! Who said I haven't talked about it? Didn't I talk to you?!"

Du Niaoyao stuck out her tongue at him and said playfully: "The pre-sale volume of the new mobile phone this time, guess how much it sold?!"

"One hundred thousand units?!"

"Pattern, the pattern is open!"

"A million units?!"

"Cut! You have no confidence in your products!"

At this moment, Gu Chen finally couldn't sit still, and slowly turned his head to look at her: "How many sets?!"

In just one week, if the pre-sale reaches one million units, it will be very against the sky!

For each mobile phone, basically only one model will be released in a year, and then all of them will be sold in one year. A total of one million units can be sold, and the profits generated will be as high as billions!

Mobile phones are not as profitable as everyone thinks, but the profits are definitely there, because the cost of Gu Chen's mobile phone is still relatively high, and the materials are all the best. The most important thing is to use the best patents. , the best technology, and the result is that the price is not one-third as expensive as those mobile phones outside.

When a new mobile phone comes out, it usually costs seven or eight thousand, but he is different, and always sets the price at one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

"So far, the pre-sale volume has reached 30 million units!" Du Niaoyao also smiled at him confidently: "30 million units! In a week, our order has already reached 30 million units Taiwan! Our profit for a mobile phone is about 800 yuan! We..."

She began to count with her fingers, but suddenly her mind was overwhelmed by the dense numbers.

"Boss Gu should worry more about new problems now!" Du Niao looked at him and sighed softly: "Now the second-hand mobile phones outside are more expensive than our new mobile phones. If this continues, scalpers will have to wait impatiently!"

A mobile phone can do it, and second-hand mobile phones are more expensive than new ones, which shows how out of stock this mobile phone is.

Apple mobile phones have done this before, but they are deliberately overstocking. Gu Chen and the others are in a different situation. They really can't produce so many.

So the only way is to outsource and find cooperation with other manufacturers. They produce the casing of the mobile phone. As for the technical problems, they solve them by themselves.

Foxconn mobile phone manufacturer is the largest mobile phone outsourcing factory for Apple mobile phones in Xiaguo.

"Are you planning to outsource it?!" Gu Chen looked at her and asked in a low voice.

Of course, outsourcing is definitely the right thing to do, but this idea is not something that came out of Du Niaoyao's mind, but a ready-made model that was directly moved!

So if you do this, everyone will feel that success is nothing more than that, you just need to copy the other party's business model!

Just like writing novels like you, there will always be people who think that you only wrote the content after reading other people's books, without any innovation.

"Yes, I plan to directly outsource the task of producing mobile phones! What do you think?!" Du Yanyou asked with a smirk on his face: "Am I very smart, so that we can produce at least 100,000 more units a month?" Get your phone out!"

"not so good!"

Gu Chen shook his head slightly and said softly: "If you outsource it, the business may be ruined! Moreover, there will be a technical problem involved! Have you ever thought about how many jobs we can solve if we don't outsource it? !"

According to the current production volume, at least five more factories of this size will be needed, and all of them will have to work overtime. It is estimated that more than 30,000 workers will be needed!

It is equivalent to creating more than 30,000 jobs for Jiangzhou. With his own strength, he is enough to stimulate the economy of the entire Jiangzhou. He can completely rely on this to negotiate with the higher authorities!

"How many positions?!" Du Niao asked with a confused expression.

He stretched out three fingers: "Three thousand?! That's not much!"

"It's 30,000 jobs, we have to expand at least five factories to maintain the production of this mobile phone!" Gu Chen looked at her and smiled slightly: "I know what you want to say, time is tight, tasks are heavy, production Can't come out?!"