Chapter: 8028

"Why is there a hole here? When did Han Sanqian dig it?"

Hei Feng really doubted life a little. He tried his best to recall when Han Sanqian took the time to dig a hole in this place.

But it's a pity that no matter how he thinks about it, he doesn't have time for Han Sanqian to come here.

Although he didn't observe Han Sanqian all the time during the last period of time, the sound of explosions all the time also showed that Han Sanqian was in the process of fighting with them all the time, and it was impossible for him to be in such a situation Things like digging holes can also be done in the environment.

"It wasn't him who dug it, but someone else." The special envoy in white frowned and said.

Hei Feng couldn't help being surprised: "Could it be that there are spies in our village?"

But as soon as he said this, Hei Feng immediately regretted it. He knew very well that it was basically impossible for Zhuang Nei to exist under any undercover agents or spies.

Especially in the current area.

"It's Su Yingxia." Hei Feng figured out the key point.

Only Su Yingxia has not shown his face all this time, so it is very likely that he has been hiding underground, and later even dug a tunnel underground.

And, at the most critical moment, she rushed out of the tunnel and took Han Sanqian away.

Things should be like this.

"Not bad." The special envoy in white also affirmed Hei Feng's conjecture.

"It's really a tacit understanding between husband and wife." Heifeng said: "However, what I didn't expect was the courage of this Su Yingxia. If it was an ordinary woman, her husband would probably hide at the first time when he encountered such a crisis."

"This is not to say that Su Yingxia or other women are greedy for life and afraid of death, but that it is very easy to make a choice when the situation is so clear."

The special envoy in white nodded: "Who says it's not? It's what a smart person does to protect herself and not hold her back. We always thought that Su Yingxia was also this kind of smart woman. She hid herself so well that she We can't find him."

"Han Sanqian's confident reaction just now seems to indicate that this possibility is very high, but who would have thought that she would suddenly come up from the bottom again?"

"At such a close distance, let alone a woman, even if you let me, I might not dare to be so bold." Hei Feng also sighed.

The idea of hiding in the ground directly under the battle situation is indeed bold enough, brave enough and unexpected enough.

However, it is also dangerous enough.

After all, in such a large-scale battle above, if there is any attack deviation and directly misses the person and bombards towards the ground, then the ground below may be very dangerous.

The ground will collapse due to this huge impact, and the tunnel may also completely collapse during the collapse. At that time, Su Yingxia, who was hiding below, didn't even need others to do anything, and buried herself alive.

"What are you still doing in a daze, chase after me."

Hei Feng knew that Su Yingxia was playing the game of wealth and wealth, but right now, no matter what, it was obviously important to capture Su Yingxia and Han Sanqian.

"She's pretty stupid, even if she took such a risk to save Han Sanqian, what's the point?" Heifeng sneered disdainfully: "Take Han Sanqian to hide in this tunnel. Chance."

The white-clothed special envoy nodded: "Let the troops keep some people on the ground. I believe the other exit should be nearby. We will intercept them while chasing them in the tunnel. They will not escape."

Heifeng agreed, and with a wave of his hand, a group of subordinates quickly flew in from the hole, while the remaining subordinates quickly flew around to patrol and be vigilant.

"Let's prepare to go down too."

Heifeng and the special envoy in white looked at each other, and then they came to the entrance of the cave.

"It looks like the soil is very new. It really is a tunnel that has just been dug." The special envoy in white said with a smile.