Chapter: 8449

"But if there is a problem, we need to solve it. You can give feedback to your superior. If the superior cannot give you a satisfactory answer, you can give feedback to a higher authority. You can always pursue the case to the owner of the village.

Here, if the owner of this village still cannot solve the problem for you, and you brothers continue to have civil strife, that is what should be done. "

"But look at how decent you are like this."

"However, brothers are always brothers, and what happened will happen. I don't want to punish anyone. I want to hear what kind of problems you encountered."

"Come, tell me everything."

The owner of the village was really angry, but he also knew very well that with so many people rioting, there was actually no point in holding anyone accountable.

The top priority is to solve the problem. He cannot punish anyone. Otherwise, not only will the civil strife not stop, but on the contrary, it is likely to become extremely serious.

Therefore, he has no other better choice at the moment.

"Everyone can say whatever they want." The envoy in white also said.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you...

In the end, there was still a bold person who took a step ahead: "Master of the village, although there is a level gap among brothers in the village, we must obey this gap, but this gap does not mean that we do not have any human rights."

"Everyone worked hard for the famous store and got injured. Although the treatment afterwards is completely equal, it can't be too deviated."

"Otherwise, why are the brothers fighting and why are they risking everything?"

The village owner nodded, seemingly thinking about it for a moment, but in fact he nodded without even thinking about it. After all, he solved the problem to appease everyone's emotions, and only a ghost would care about the reasoning behind it.

Anyway, that's it.

"What you said makes sense, keep talking." The owner said.

In fact, that person was indeed right. There are usually hierarchies for management and class.

Struggle, at least the post-war treatment cannot be strictly divided according to levels.

Otherwise, fighting should be carried out according to levels.

But in fact, in a big brawl, people who are not too high in level are the main force. Under this logic, some problems will indeed arise.

Originally, everyone had seen through the situation without speaking out, and everyone had a chance to be treated, so even if resources were diverted, the problem was actually not too big.

But if there is a serious deviation, just like the previous situation when others are sure to survive, but the probability of your own life and death is extremely high, your emotions will be completely ignited.

"But look at what the two guards did just now. We would like to ask the village owner, is this a personnel matter? To put it bluntly, do those selected by the two guards have more military exploits than us?"

"Are you going to work harder than us?
