Chapter: 8538

"I believe the other party will definitely want to get this tone or this face back."

"Han Sanqian gathered a group of people from famous stores, numbering nearly 10,000, but unfortunately, in the previous battle in Yetian City, Han Sanqian's losses were extremely serious."

"If he faces the elites of Burning Bone City with his current resources, no matter how powerful Han Sanqian is, his subordinates will be worried that a clever woman can't make a meal without rice." Chi Meng said worriedly.

Lu Ruoxin nodded: "Yes, if the opponent wants to attack Yetian City, it will definitely be overwhelming. Han's three thousand troops are simply impossible to stop them."

"The most important thing is that even if Han Sanqian has a way to recruit a lot of people and even be able to compete with the opponent, Yetian City, which has just experienced a war, can really experience another catastrophic disaster. War?" Lu Ruoxin said.

Hearing this, Chi Meng nodded: "What does the lady mean?"

"You must be too worried." Lu Ruoxin smiled softly: "If nothing happens to the famous store, it will not be difficult for the other party to send some troops to attack Yetian City."

"However, now they have suffered heavy losses and lost their reputation. As long as we do the first point just now, we will definitely make the other party worried."

"At that time, even if they want to use troops against Yetian City, how many troops will they dare to use?"

"Use too much, and our influence activities in the city will make them feel confused; use too little, and if they lose again, wouldn't it be even more discredited?"

Chi Meng smiled and said: "In that case, the other party will encounter a huge problem."

Lu Ruoxin smiled softly: "In the past, when no one could challenge them, they were more powerful than us. Wouldn't that force our forces to restrain their hands?"

"Now is the right time, it's time to let them have a taste of this."

"What do you mean, miss, that we are now going to bid farewell to Han Sanqian's journey with Han Sanqian for the first time and enter Burning Bone City in advance to make arrangements?"

Lu Ruoxin thought for a moment and finally nodded: "Han Sanqian has grown to the point where we thought he would grow. It's time to give him some freedom."

"Although, this kind of freedom is very short-lived. Even after the freedom ends, Han Sanqian will face the most heartbreaking time in his life."

"But even if the cow is exhausted, it should still be given some grass to eat."

"Let's go back to Burning Bone City in advance to lay out the layout. Firstly, it will temporarily relieve the offensive pressure on Yetian City. Secondly, Han Sanqian has been let go by us for so long, and he has grown up slowly. We should also do a good job in closing the net. Ready."

"I don't want this princess to end up like this store when it's time to close the net. We didn't catch even one fish, and the fish broke the net in the end."

"Yes." After Chi Meng finished speaking, he nodded to the men in black behind him: "Come on, let's get ready to drive back."


The subordinates took the order and quickly retreated to make arrangements.

After Lu Ruoxin glanced at Han Sanqian a few more times, accompanied by Chi Meng, she left the place and headed back to a deeper and more hidden place.

At this time, Zhou Yong and others on the other side obviously saw part of what happened inside the famous store.

"Damn it, no, no, can you really hang up like this?" Zhou Yong grabbed Cao Shen's shoulders, and for a moment he was so emotional that he couldn't express it in words.