Chapter: 8588

"I ask you, are you worthy of my cultivation of you?"

"My grandma worked so hard and even asked Hai Jin to assist you, just to make you become a soldier for me in the future?"

Obviously, Han Sanqian has been deliberately cultivating this guy.

Although Scar was from a very ordinary background and had little education, and all he could think about was fighting and killing, Han Sanqian knew that this guy was very loyal and would never risk his life in a fight.

Therefore, this guy is suitable to be an absolute warrior.

However, according to Han Sanqian's requirements, a strong general must not only be brave, but most importantly, you must be able to lead troops in war.

"What the leader needs is a handsome man, you idiot." Hai Jin couldn't help but complain.

Scar's reaction was really slow, and he still didn't understand it at this moment: "But, I really don't have the brains to be as useful as you. I don't understand this plan at all."

"To put it bluntly, others don't plot against me on the battlefield. I've already begged my father to sue my grandma. How can I still plot against others?"

"No, you won't learn." Han Sanqian was really speechless.

"In my original world, there was a historical figure named Lu Meng. Like you, he didn't even know a few Chinese characters. However, in just a few days, he made people look at him with admiration."

"He worked hard to learn writing, and then read various military books. In the end, not only was he no longer the reckless Wu Xia Amen, but on the contrary, he became one of the strongest governors in Soochow."

"I tell you this story because I hope you can slowly grow from a single reckless man."

Hearing this, Scar continued to touch his head in embarrassment: "It's not that you can't learn these things, it's just that learning them and being able to use them are two different concepts. I'm afraid that I won't have enough experience and reflexes, and I'll be defeated. . �

Han Sanqian gave a helpless smile: "No general is born to fight, and no commander is born to be particularly good at scheming and can win continuously."

"In fact, many people continue to accumulate experience by accumulating failures."

"What I want is that this kid like you can do the same."

"The army always needs you to lead it alone. Even if you lose, that's normal. You must first learn not to be afraid of losing, and then you can slowly start to win. Do you understand?"

Scar shook his head subconsciously. After noticing that Han Sanqian's expression was wrong, he nodded quickly: "I understand, leader. In the next time, I will study hard and learn the art of war."

"Okay, in that case, you will be the absolute commander of the cavalry regiment from now on, and you alone have the final say. As for Hai Jin, Hai Jin will obey orders."

Hai Jin hurriedly knelt on the ground respectfully: "Leader, if you have anything to do, just give me your orders, and my subordinates will definitely complete the task."

"Recently, I have accepted a group of disciples from famous stores. In fact, these people have a good foundation, but I lack someone who is trustworthy and can suppress their special status. After thinking about it, I think you are the best candidate. "

"So, from today on, you will no longer hold any position in the cavalry regiment and will fully manage this troop. I hope that in the near future, this group of people can become my right-hand man. Do you understand?" Han After Sanqian finished speaking, he looked at Hai Jin aside.

Hai Jin was slightly stunned and looked at Han Sanqian in confusion: "Leader, do you want me to take charge of your newly accepted troops?"