Chapter: 8595

"Leader, what do you mean..." After hearing Han Sanqian's words, the smart Hai Jin seemed to think of something.

Although Su Yingxia said nothing, judging from her frown, it was obvious that she was also seriously thinking about the other meanings of Han Sanqian's words.

Suddenly, Su Yingxia's frown relaxed, and then she couldn't help but smile: "I think I know what three thousand means."

As the person who knew Han Sanqian best, even if Su Yingxia didn't have to be so smart, she could immediately figure out what Han Sanqian was going to do when he stuck his butt out.

Hai Jin looked at Su Yingxia anxiously and said, "Mrs. Alliance Leader, what do you mean by Alliance Leader?"

Su Yingxia said: "It's very simple. Since their family is not the only one here, then there must be other forces. In other words, there are things they are afraid of."

"I'm right."

Although Hai Jin was only a captain before, he was still the most important person in the enemy's force, and he had stayed there for a long time.

Therefore, there are some things that he may not be qualified to come into contact with, but he will always hear about them.

Of course, he has also heard about the situation of his own forces' enemies.

That is the veteran force of the demon clan!

Although the old forces are much poorer, they are, after all, a huge ancient organization that has existed in the Demon Clan for a long time. Even if its branches are gone, its roots are still there.

Over the years, although my previous power has developed very rapidly, it is not a very inflated one that shows off everywhere, but a very low-key one.

The reason is that there are always external forces that restrict them. If they are too obvious, they will easily be targeted by others overtly or covertly.

"In this case, three thousand people from the Pei family are openly resisting them. Then, what will the established forces who are their opponents think?" Su Yingxia said with a smile.

Hai Jin was happy because he understood: "I understand, these big forces may not take action, but when they see someone coming forward to deal with their enemies, their confidence changes."

"This kind of confidence may not allow them to help us directly, but it will definitely help us secretly restrict my original power."

Han Sanqian smiled softly, which was exactly what he meant.

Thinking back to the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms on earth, Cao Cao dominated one side and was arrogant. Although the Soochow forces were deeply rooted in Soochow, they were always limited by the terrain and found it difficult to launch a fatal challenge to Cao Cao. Most of them could only settle in a corner.

However, they also know that the situation of partial peace will not exist for long. Therefore, as long as Cao Cao develops more and more fiercely as time goes by, Soochow will also become more and more powerful as time goes by. Weak, and eventually completely swallowed up by the powerful Cao Cao's forces.

Under such a background, Liu Bei, a defeated general, was at the end of his rope.

From a strategic perspective, Liu Bei actually had no use value at that time.

If you want soldiers, you don't have any soldiers, if you want money, you don't have any money, and you don't even have a garrison. On the contrary, if you cooperate with this kind of people, Soochow had to go to Liu Bei at that time.

In the original environment of Soochow, most ministers did not agree with this alliance for this reason.

But why did Lu Su and King Wu finally defy all opinions and choose to marry?