Chapter: 8617

"Yes, although Xiaotao is not as powerful as sister Yingxia, she is still a descendant of Pangu after all.

After all, it also has very strong utilization value. "

"So, if Xiao Tao can be sacrificed, then... let's exchange places with each other. Just treat it as Xiao Tao begging you, okay?"

When it came to this, Xiao Tao didn't just say it, she simply knelt on the ground on the spot and prayed that Su Yingxia could agree to this request.

Her eyes were sincere and full of sincerity.

Su Yingxia's heart felt warm. Although it was obvious that Xiao Tao could not die in her place, but Xiao Tao's ability to have such a heart was actually something that most people in the world could not do.

So, she was very satisfied.

This also made Su Yingxia think that if she was not around in the future, then Xiao Tao would be the best person to take care of Han Sanqian or even Han Nian for her.

Su Yingxia gently helped Xiao Tao up, and then smiled softly: "Xiao Tao, I am very grateful that you have this heart, but the other party's target is me, do you understand?"


"I put it harshly. Now, everyone in the world actually knows one thing. That is, to Han Sanqian, I am the most important person in his life."

"This is not to belittle you, because even our daughter Han Nian, I think, is not as important as me in Han Sanqian. So, if this person wants to control Han Sanqian, the best way is of course to control me. .�

Xiao Tao nodded, there was indeed nothing wrong with Su Yingxia's words.

She also knew that Su Yingxia was everything to Han Sanqian. With Su Yingxia's trump card in hand, Han Sanqian would have to do whatever Han Sanqian was asked to do.

It was as if someone had kidnapped Han Sanqian and threatened him to do anything.

"In that case, the other party needs you more. Why, sister, do you say you want to die?"

Su Yingxia smiled softly: "I believe you often hang out with your Sanqian brother, and you should often hear your Sanqian brother's words, right?"

Xiao Tao looked at Su Yingxia in confusion, not knowing what she meant.

Han Sanqian said a lot, but you have to make her remember the most important sentence first. She really didn't know the specific sentence for a while.

Su Yingxia smiled: "Everything has two sides."

"From the current point of view, if you want to control Han Sanqian, controlling me is of course the best choice. However, have you ever thought that while this method looks the best, it is actually the worst?"

In other words, if the other party wants to use Han Sanqian, Su Yingxia's safety must be guaranteed, which may actually be counter-threatening by Su Yingxia.

If you are slightly unsatisfied, you can threaten to commit suicide.

So what can the other party do? They can only choose to compromise.

As we all know, in many things, especially matters of principle, once you make a little concession, it is often difficult to close the gap.