Chapter: 8670

This place is not big, only about six or seven square meters, like a small house.

Han Sanqian explored many places in it, but he never found anything strange or like there was a mechanism.

Han Sanqian also searched the ground specifically. There were no footprints or other relatively confusing traces on the ground.

This further proves Han Sanqian's previous guess that this place does not seem to have a large number of people passing by.

"Damn it, that bitch won't really be cheating on you, right?"

Based on everything he has experienced so far, Han Sanqian feels that this place is really like a dungeon.

You see, Han Sanqian has now come down such a deep distance, and it is obviously very difficult to go up.

Just like a septic tank in the earth, this...

But that�s not quite right either.

If this is a tunnel, wouldn't it be better if the tunnel were directly upright?

At least, if the imprisoned person wants to go up, the difficulty is increasing rapidly.

Although it is impossible for ordinary people to go up to this forty-five-degree angle, it is so deep that it is indeed difficult for people with cultivation to live in.

From the current entrance to the end, it's a bit like someone sticking a chopstick into two potatoes.

What�s the point of having a dungeon designed like this?

It would be unthinkable for Han Sanqian to break his head with such a smart mind.

Therefore, Han Sanqian still didn't doubt that the mysterious creature was plotting against him.

So, did you fail to check carefully?

Thinking of this, Han Sanqian continued to search again.

Moreover, he started to move the scope of his search closer to a side that he had never looked for before.

Yes, it is the land beneath my feet.

Because it is under his feet, logically Han Sanqian would not normally look for it here. After all, if the mechanism is set up in such a place, once someone comes, it is easy to accidentally trigger the mechanism by walking around here.

What's the point of the agency?

Secondly, as soon as Han Sanqian came in, more importantly, he was observing the marks on the soil under his feet. In fact, he did not have much in-depth understanding and investigation of their area.

Now that we have searched all around, if we still have to continue searching, then this is the only place left.