Chapter: 8688

Lu Shen and Er Hu couldn't stand being burned. Although Er Hu was not the one who was singled out, he still felt a little unbearable in the process.

Fortunately, Han Sanqian was not from this village after all, so he was actually somewhat lenient towards these two people.

He didn't use too much energy to mess with them, and he didn't want to kill them. When he first came here, he didn't want to cause more trouble, he just wanted to teach them a lesson.

Bang, suddenly, the flames on Lu Shen's body disappeared, and then, a white light appeared on the two of them.

What made Han Sanqian very strange was that with the appearance of this white light, in the blink of an eye, not only did the two people lose their anger, but they also acted completely like nothing happened.

If he hadn't burned them with his own hands, Han Sanqian would have felt as if nothing had happened just now.

Immediately afterwards, a woman walked in, dressed in white.

"Sister." Seeing the person coming, Lu Shen suddenly became excited: "Sister, why are you here?"

The woman looked absolutely beautiful, but the expression on her face was extremely cold at this time.

"How he hit you, you hit me back no matter who it is."

Hearing this, Han Sanqian frowned.

Han Sanqian gently blocked Xiaonu behind him and looked at the three of them coldly.

The two villains Lu Shen and Er Hu immediately sneered, and then the two men slowly surrounded Han Sanqian from the left and right.

A triangular array, obviously paved.

However, Han Sanqian is not worried about this at all. He really knows the abilities of the two bad guys. What may really give Han Sanqian a headache is actually the woman in front of him.

However, although he was afraid, Han Sanqian was not afraid at all. He suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the woman at an extremely fast speed.

Because he couldn't use too much infuriating energy, Han Sanqian knew that it was pointless to struggle with her. The best way was to take the initiative to attack and test her depth!


With strong energy, Han Sanqian rushed towards the girl like lightning, but just as he punched out, a moment later, there was a heavy sound directly from his hand.

Looking up, Han Sanqian's punch did not hit the woman, but instead hit Erhu on the left. In order to protect the woman, this guy turned around and used his body to directly resist Han Sanqian's attack.

Han Sanqian was extremely fast and powerful, and Erhu was also anxious and worried for a moment, so the punch was solid and sure to hit.

With a loud noise, Erhu flew upside down for several meters, fell down and spat out a mouthful of blood!

"Why are you still fighting?!" Han Sanqian shouted coldly, glanced at Lu Shen who was about to rush over from the other side, and couldn't help but sneer.

Raise your hands and fist!