Chapter: 8906

"Third Elder, you idiot, what are you chasing after? If you stay on the ground, it will naturally come to you when it comes."

At the entrance of the cemetery, after hearing the continuous explosions outside, the fourth elder finally couldn't bear it any longer.

We have worked together for many years, and he really knows the personalities of several elders. Just hearing this news, he knew that the third elder must not have properly solved the troubles outside.

I ran out and took a look, good guy, it was true, the three elders were chasing the girl outside.

Even though the third elder was much senior to him, seeing his idiotic performance, the fourth elder couldn't bear it and started yelling.

Hearing the scolding, the third elder suddenly woke up.

It seems damn right. As long as you stay on this position, no matter where the bird flies, won't it have to fly back in the end if it wants to cause damage?

Thinking of this, the third elder slapped his head and flew back to the position.

"Fourth Elder, go in and help. Leave the outside to me." After saying this, the Fourth Elder stared at the sky, waiting for Que'er to reappear...

After hearing what the third elder said, the fourth elder did not choose to withdraw and fight back immediately.

He also knew clearly that facing the attack and defense of the strange cow and the old turtle, it would be difficult for the first elder and the second elder to deal with only two people, plus a bunch of elite soldiers.

However, he also knew better that the reason why he ran out was because the bird continued to harass the rear, which troubled the first elder and the second elder, so he decided to send the fourth elder out to see what was going on.

These measures all show how dissatisfied everyone is with the current performance of the third elder outside. The failure of the third elder to effectively suppress the strange birds outside has great impact on the entire battle situation.

Therefore, he must ensure that the situation outside has changed to a certain extent, or that he is relatively at ease before he is willing to go back.

Looking at it now, the third elder is willing to wait and see, at least the method is right.


Almost at the same time, Que'er left and came again. Although Que'er, who had turned around and attacked again this time, had discovered that the third elder no longer chose to pursue him, there was no way. Que'er's mission was that Que'er knew that it had to attack.

Not to mention a third elder waiting for her there, even if there were ten or a hundred, she had to bite the bullet.

"Dead bird, you are willing to show up."

The third elder was holding back his anger. He was an elder after all. He couldn't stand being played with by others, and he absolutely couldn't stand being played by a broken bird.

Therefore, in the face of Que'er attacking again, this time, the third elder was quite prepared to charge.

If you dare to come, I will teach you a profound lesson.


In the blink of an eye, Que'er had already attacked directly. The third elder stabilized his mind and did not rush to take action immediately. He wanted to wait for Que'er to fall into the crowd.