Chapter: 8937

Especially after Han Sanqian and others won the first war, their own morale was greatly improved, while the opponent's morale was relatively low, and they were anxious.

"In the latter case, they will attack us step by step. In this way, they will be very strong and stable as a whole. If we want to make some arrangements and sneak attacks from the tactical level, it may not mean much."

"However, relatively speaking, their offensive will not be too fierce, and most of our people can survive this afternoon safely."

"But this is not invincible, because the terrain structure and environment here are special. At night, this group of people is completely unable to move."

Based on this, it also created a window period for this style of play.

This is what is called a long night with many dreams.

"Don't forget, a group of us can act."

These people, of course, included Han Sanqian, as well as Lianhua and Xiaonu.

Yes, maybe the three people like before couldn't do anything at all, because the backbone of Han Sanqian was limited by his cultivation. Therefore, even if the military camp was placed there, Han Sanqian could not cause any effective damage in the past.

Maybe, after a night of doing this, I was almost exhausted, but when I looked back, I realized, my dear, nothing happened to the other party. They just lost hundreds or even thousands of people.

But things are different now. Han Sanqian, who has recovered a lot of strength, is a nightmare-like existence for anyone. Even if the enemy is awake, it is actually difficult to resist this guy's effective attack, not to mention that at night, these people are still unable to move.

Isn't that just a living target for Han Sanqian? Han Sanqian can hit him however he wants. With his current level of cultivation, he can directly kill tens of thousands of people in one night without any problem.

Moreover, this is based on the condition that the opponent has a defensive foundation.

"So, if we can postpone it until night, then the situation will not be said to be in our favor, but at least we can cause the enemy to lose a lot of money. On the battlefield, when the two sides are fighting, the enemy's loss is actually the increase in our strength." Han Sanqian said with a smile.

The old turtle smiled: "It makes sense. I agree with what my elder brother said. Although this battle seems to be more disadvantageous to us as it drags on longer, in fact it may not necessarily be the case."

"As long as we can take advantage of the gap to launch attrition and mass destruction against them, then time is a weapon for us."

The characteristics of the coalition destined Han Sanqian to have such a small advantage, and as Han Sanqian strengthened, this advantage also changed from being inconspicuous at the beginning to eventually turning into a behemoth that could swallow people.

"But even if we drag it into the night, with Mr. Han's unnatural actions on the battlefield today, I suspect that the enemy will also be prepared for this."

"Even, in order to directly avoid this situation from happening, the enemy will adopt a quick attack method."

Han Sanqian smiled softly: "I'm really not afraid of them fighting quickly."

If you want to quickly fight, the best way is to either be strong enough, or be able to do a lightning march to catch the opponent off guard.

Or, the commander is very smart and has a very strong ability to make on-the-spot adjustments. He can make all kinds of extremely accurate judgments and dispatches in an instant.

Obviously, the opponent does not quite have the first element, because there is a gap in strength between the two sides, but it cannot reach this gap. As for the second point, they may be very smart, but Han Sanqian is not a fool, and he wants to crush him in terms of IQ. Overwhelm Han three thousand...

What a bullshit!