Chapter: 9026

The old village chief saw the confusion on Han Sanqian's face, smiled softly, and said, "It's strange, isn't it?"

Of course Han Sanqian was very strange, because this was really incredible. You know, for Han Sanqian, the earth belongs to Yin, so naturally it cannot be used to deal with those men in black who are also Yin.

So, he was very confused about it, and even to him, he thought it was a bit of a joke.

After all, even if he thought about it, he would never think that it would be something with the same yin energy as the man in black.

"Yes." Han Sanqian did not deny it. At the same time, he also expressed his doubts in this regard.

The old village chief smiled softly after hearing this, and then nodded: "Yes, in terms of the attributes of yin and yang, the ground may indeed be yin. Although I don't know much about yin and yang."

"But, Mr. Han is educated. If you say so, it must be so."

"But you may have overlooked one detail. Although the land in the village is also land, because we have lived on this land for a long time, I think the nature of this land has actually changed for us. of."

Hearing the old village chief's words, Han Sanqian suddenly slapped his head and woke up.

Damn, he completely ignored such an important point.

The old village chief was right. Although the land in the village is yin, the problem is that people live here all year round, so it is naturally infected by popularity.

Over the years, the yang energy here is actually very strong, just like the house where people live. No matter how dilapidated the house is, as long as there are people living in it, it will basically be broken and not stepped on.

However, if no one lives in a good house, it will actually collapse completely or even be destroyed within a short period of time. This is a very strange thing.

To a certain extent, this is a kind of metaphysics. After all, people living in it may not actually have any reinforcement effect on the entire house.

But in fact this is not the case.

It's not pseudoscience, it's real.

Because people live there and are popular, there will be fewer snakes and insects in the house. Naturally, if they don't exist, it will be difficult for things in the house to break faster. Secondly, when people live inside, the ventilation in the room will be changed between switches, which further prevents those snakes and insects from having a more comfortable environment.

Therefore, when the whole is added up, what seems to be a bit metaphysical becomes truth and fact.

Popularity is Yang Qi.

People in the village live here all year round, so naturally the village has undergone different changes. There are livestock walking on the ground, people walking on it, vegetables being cultivated and everything in between.

The earth itself is Yin, but it has already been silently changed.

Just like that old saying, there is no road in the world, but when there are more people who can walk, there are roads in the world.

"In this case, there are indeed countless auxiliary materials that can be used in the village."

Although he made a mistake and ignored such an important point, Han Sanqian did not feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, he was excited because there were a lot of supporting materials.