Chapter: 9114

It's just that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. Who would have thought that at this critical moment, someone would take the initiative to add food to him.

The other party directly made a bet. For Han Sanqian, this actually meant sending the head of the fourth elder opposite him directly into his arms.

After all, he is an elder and has food on his lips. How could Han Sanqian have any reason not to eat? !

He only needs to act once to completely defeat such a character. His position is destined to cause great pressure and psychological shock to the other party when he dies.

However, Han Sanqian also knew that this scene was not easy to perform. Xu Long, the first elder and the three special envoys on the opposite side were obviously not me, and the fourth elder among them was even more taciturn and calm.

Generally, Han Sanqian would be particularly careful with this kind of person, because he most likely doesn't want to talk and wants to focus more on self-examination.

Or maybe he himself is not very talkative or good at talking.

But this does not mean that this person is not smart. According to Han Sanqian's experience, in fact, these people are often very smart. Most of them are thinking about a lot of things in the corner, so you must be on guard against them.

Therefore, this play must be performed, and it must be performed superbly. Only in this way can you possibly deceive those people.

The good thing is that Han Sanqian is not a professional liar, but a smart enough person. He knows what expressions to use and what small movements to make during the acting process, and he can make these work together to make his play show off. So realistic.

Now that the play is complete and sufficient, it is naturally time to harvest.

Han Sanqian will definitely eat the fat cow of the Third Elder.

However, the third elder is still complacent up to now, apparently not knowing that his death has come.

After Han Sanqian Taixu finished adjusting, he aimed a punch at the chest of the third elder. The punch seemed to be calm, but in fact...

Punch up!

A seemingly ordinary punch actually contains extremely powerful force. It seems indifferent and ordinary, but in fact it contains a fatal power.

It struck with a bang, with almost no grass growing underneath, and hit the third elder directly and heavily on the chest with a destructive force.

In fact, you can't even see these things from the outside. Even the third elder, who is a resister, can't feel it at all the moment he takes this punch.

He simply felt like an old man or a child's fist hit him on the chest.

Several other elders were somewhat worried about the third elder, although when the third elder accepted the bet, everyone unanimously believed that there was no problem.

However, there is still a certain difference between what is believed and what is actually happening. When the fight actually starts, everyone is still a little worried, not only because they are worried about the body and life of the third elder, but also because this is related to the next step of the entire army. many key points.

Therefore, everyone looked at Han Sanqian eagerly after he punched him.

The third elder felt the changes in his body cautiously at first, but after a moment, after making sure that nothing happened to him, the guy suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, Han Sanqian, is this all you have?"