Chapter: 9501

With the strength in their palace, it was easy to deal with Han Sanqian.

Therefore, as long as he can bring Han Sanqian back, he can now directly arrange the highest guest etiquette for Han Sanqian.

As the team put away their weapons, the men and horses behind the black-faced general also quickly made way for him. The black-faced general bent down and made an invitation towards Han Sanqian.

Han Sanqian smiled softly and walked directly with the women.

The group of people headed all the way to the deepest point. As they went inside, the road became wider and wider, but the smell became weirder and weirder. After a while, Han Sanqian could smell the strong smell of blood.

This strong smell made Han Sanqian almost want to spit it out. It was very disgusting. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. When a group of people stopped in front of an ancient mansion, they could even smell a faint fragrance.

What was different from Du Lao before was that although the mansion in front of him was very old and relatively dilapidated, the number of guards at the door had also increased countless times.

The distance from the gate to both sides is about a hundred meters, and within this distance of a hundred meters, almost all the way is filled with various guards and soldiers.

In a certain sense, their guards were very tight, like the defense level of a royal palace, but also like an institution facing a powerful enemy.

As Han Sanqian and others arrived at the door, the black-faced general smiled softly and said: "Mr. Han, the Holy Master is inside."

After saying this, he had no intention of going inside. Instead, in the center of the door, an old man dressed in simple clothes quickly came to greet him.

Although he was smiling and looked very kind and enthusiastic, when he subconsciously looked at the black-faced general for the first time, Han Sanqian knew very well that he and the black-faced general were actually the same, pretending .

To put it simply, they all have a deep hostility towards themselves, but because they are currently very cooperative, they have to pretend to be friendly.

Of course, this is not because they are good, but because they are strong enough. Before they are absolutely sure, they can only temporarily use another face to stabilize themselves.

Once they reach the tiger's den, when they think there is no problem, they will inevitably show their fangs and look fierce.

"Mr. Han, right? The Holy Lord has been waiting for you for a long time. Please come with me." After saying that, the old man invited people into the house while half-bending and respectfully leading the way.

The courtyard is very huge, and there are many people inside. Although many of them have deliberately hidden themselves, for Han Sanqian, who has a very high level of cultivation and has the eyes of the sky, no matter how you hide, there is no way. Maybe it can escape his eyes.

However, Han Sanqian didn't say anything, or even took them seriously, as if he didn't notice their existence at all.

"Sir, we are here."

Han Sanqian glanced at the main hall in front of him, and actually felt a little bit bitter in his heart. After all, for him, he had just entered Burning Bone City, but as a result, he had already entered this ancient mansion twice, and they were almost the same. You have to enter other people's main hall twice.

What's still very helpless is that there is a big thing waiting for me inside.

He and the other girls looked at each other and told them with their eyes that they would continue to arrange and plan according to the original pattern after entering. After that, Han Sanqian took them into the main hall.

It is different from the previous ones. Although the main hall here still looks shabby and shabby on the outside, there is something wonderful inside.

It is resplendent and resplendent, as if it were a golden palace. The gold bricks on the ground are so bright that they can clearly reflect the figures of people.