�Why are you so twisted?�Can�t we just listen kindly when people say it with good intentions?�
�Just because it sounds bad doesn�t mean it isn�t good.�Especially if it comes from the mouth of the Karmis family.�
�What are you talking about?�
Cayden grabbed the handle of the cross sword and stood up.
�The cross star of the Cross family allows you to exert your destiny-ordained talents to the limit.�
�I know it�s great.�
�Are you great?�
Caden�s lips twitched.
�To put it another way, you can do nothing except the talents that fate has ordained for you.�
�okay.�The crimson face of the Karmis family.�The ability to back up your self-image and immediately correct errors takes effort.�But the cross star requires no effort.�Because you were meant to do it from birth.�But I mean����.�
Caden smiled self-deprecatingly.
�Being able to do something well doesn�t make you happy.�Happiness is doing what you want, no matter how insignificant it is.�
�That is an arrogant idea.�
Amy thought back to her childhood days when she couldn�t figure out what to do.
�okay.�Some would say it sounds like a full stomach.�
Cayden raised his crosssword vertically.
�At first, I thought it was a blessing.�Being born differently from other crosses.�I could be the best in anything I wanted.�
That�s the Red Cross.
�But it comes at a cost.�sacrifice.�Do you understand, Karmis?�
Caden�s face crumpled.
�If I really want to, I can�t be the best.�
He wanted to become an artist.
�The woman I truly love is!�
The black man disappeared from Caden�s eyes.
�You will never love me!�
Amy widened her stride.
�I am the illegitimate child of fate!�You are born with a cursed fate that will never make you happy!�So kill!�I will kill her sirone, the one who took her away from her beloved!� JrNovels.com