At that moment, goosebumps ran through Sirone�s body.�It was a powerful portrait that I had never experienced before.�Fragments of countless thoughts passed through my mind.�beginning of the world.�gauge symmetry.�A whirlpool hovering over the bed.�Mass is not force.�The power of existence that unlocks the activities of the universe.�A crack that breaks symmetry.
The cause of the sense of paranormal was the sense of deficiency felt when Sirone, which had expanded into the realm of infinity, was reconstructed into the human spirit.
The cacophony of omniscience and omnipotence.�
The name of the lost fragment was Gravity.
When the omnipotence was established, the omnipotence that had been known through nightmares until now was precisely engaged.�When the conditions for activating the magic were met, Sirone changed Ulck into a photonized state and threw him down.
Before the screams could end, Ulc�s body collided with the ground and bounced up with a loud sound.�
Landing with a rainbow drop, Sirone glared at Ulc.
It was an instant death.�The reason why I was shocked enough to break my bones in the photonized state was because the light was heavy.�
Matter is not born with mass.�There is another element that imparts mass to matter and annihilates it.
An unknown particle that humans cannot observe.
That was the reason Sirone realized that the cell and gauge symmetry was broken in the realm of infinity.�
�done.�I finally figured it out.�
Sirone clenched her fists tightly.�His heart trembled and his heart soared to the point of tears.
At that moment, the screams of children were heard from the top of the cliff.�Sirone regained her cool and looked up.
�no way����?�
Come to think of it, Ulrk was a monster with social skills.�Even if he lost a tribal war, he was unlikely to wander around alone.�
Sirone cast teleportation and flew over the cliff.�When he reached the top, he stiffened up just like Al Thor and the others.�Dozens of ulks surrounded the surroundings.�The whole tribe was moving at once.
�I underestimated their social skills.�
I heard children crying.�
�Oh, what should I do?�We are all dead now.�
�I couldn�t even get married.�I don�t want to die like this.�
It was the same that Sirone did not want to die.�And she now had the bare minimum weapons to fight Ulk.
�It�s okay, guys.�I�ll try something.�
�What are you going to do?�Don�t do that, you run away too.�You can escape with magic.�
�are you okay.�From now on, you�re not breaking the school rules.�