�It can be said to be the most important event of High Gear.�Do you have a rough idea of ??the worldview?�
�Dr. Martin stole the sun.�
�okay.�To be precise, it is the sun sign.�A place with a low gear that only exists in this world.�
�Low gear?�
�It is a device that converts solar energy into electrical energy.�The electricity generated there runs through mid-gear all over the continent.�The mid gear is a capsule-type device, and the energy of the high gear is recharged there.�
Fermi pointed at Sirone.
�You may not be able to feel it because your level is low right now, but even if you go over level 100, it becomes difficult to manage your energy.�You have to charge it at a charging station where the mid-gear is installed, or you have to purchase an auxiliary device separately.�lets think.�Everyone in high gear is using it.��Sirone understood.
�And the country that won the solar war���
�Yeah, eat everything.�In particular, the guild that occupies the Sun Palace can charge high gear for free until the next Sun War.�Conversely, other countries have to pay fees and buy energy.�As you know, high gear is the heart of users.�In reality, it is a fight to the death.�
�I will definitely participate, Operator too.�
�All guilds participate.�This is the only way you can meet the operator.�
�excuse me���
Death Princess raised her hand.
�May I ask you some questions?�
�Princess attention is always welcome.�
She laughed softly.
�I watched a lot of relays of Taeyangjeon.�My drinking strategy was very fierce.�Of course, Operator Laiter will participate, but Yahweh 2 will not be able to meet.�to be honest����If you don�t become a ranker, you won�t even be able to enter the Sun Palace.�
�That is our problem too.�
Fermi nodded.
�Dongguk and Seoguk have a tight win rate in the Battle of the Sun, but unfortunately, Seoguk lost in the last Battle of the Sun.�In other words, we are Siege, and that is Mercury.�In the end, to enter the Sun Palace, you have to fight through the crowds as well as deal with rankers.�In particular, you will not be able to penetrate the first line of the Ascension Guild.�
The strongest code name was added.
�Because we also operate a command center for strategies between guilds as well as tactics between guild members.�It is impossible to carry out individual missions in a fight where one mistake can steal the sun.�I don�t think it�s a good way either.�
�you can do it.�
Sirone did not give up.
�It�s your job to solve the problem.�How, did you bring it?�What should I do?�