�Oh, just wear something.�Are you going to catch a dragon?�Why do you care so much about a piece of cloth that has no defense?�
Tess looked at Lian with eyes full of astonishment.
�Oh, really bad!�We dress up more because you guys don�t pay attention to how you dress.�Keep your mouth shut because everyone is saying good things to you.�
Amy came out wearing a light blue dress.
�Sirone, isn�t this strange?�
�No, it is pretty!�Amy looks good no matter what she wears.�
Amy didn�t really listen and went back to her room.�Tess was just jealous of Amy.
�Please watch and learn from Sirone.�Ugh, I hate it.�
Lian pursed her lips as Tess closed the door and went inside.�What the hell is she doing to herself?�Being honest about what was in your heart was a virtue and a source of pride for a prosecutor.
�Sirone, how do you come up with those words right away?�Teach me too.�
�huh?�It�s simple.�You can�t say it�s weird no matter what you wear.�
Lian fell backwards, grabbing her belly button.
11 am.
After changing, the women checked their backpacks.�In preparation for an unexpected situation, I carefully packed emergency food, a knife, a compass and a rope.
Satisfied with her look in the mirror, Tess clenched her fists and shouted.
�it�s okay!�Ready to explore ruins!�
�So, are you going to sleep now?�Let�s leave tomorrow morning.�
Tess� face turned red at Lian�s bony joke.
�How late am I?�And Amy prepared it too.�
�Why is Amy suddenly appearing?�What kind of hostage is Amy?�
�Then do you really think that an ignorant greatsword is suitable for flimsy street clothes?�From a distance, it looks like a complete caveman!�You need to know the fraction.�
Amy fulfilled her mission as a hostage.
�Rian, I�m sorry.�Actually I�m late.�Tess prepared faster than me.�
�haha!�are you okay.�Because Amy shows that she prepared for a long time.�