Chapter: 903
�This is Peope.�

Kariel cried.�However, he struggled to control his mind, as showing his emotions was a demeaning act.

�Yes, Peope.�Why are you here?�

�Ah, I�m going to find Metagate.�

�����Right.�Then why����Ha, so why are you and the like trying to find it?�

�That�s because there will be no war.�

At that moment, Kariel�s patience broke.�She held out her hand with the sole intention of exploding the flying flies in front of her eyes.

In one shot, it explodes splendidly.


� Harvest!�now!

Harvest emerged from the darkness of the Great World War.�

The moment he wielded a shadow as sharp as a blade, Kariel flew up to the ceiling.

Canis, aiming for that opportunity, shouted as she ran to the women.

�Rian!�Protect Peope!�It must never be taken away!�

Lian immediately turned and ran towards Peope.�He wanted to rescue Tess right away, but in an urgent situation, it was better to listen to the wizard.

�Peope!�come here!�

Peope, who was taken aback by the sudden battle, heard Lian�s voice and flew away.

Kariel evaded Harvest�s pursuit and aimed at Feope.�However, when Lian grabbed the sword first and kept his position, he turned sharply and flew back to the ceiling.

Lian, who was relieved, looked back at Peope.

�Whoa, are you okay?�

�I don�t know!�I thought I was scared to death!�Hurry up and take this!�

Feope�s face was as pale as soup.�It was a situation where he had to provoke the archangel.�Even thinking about it now, I couldn�t figure out how I got it.

Lian was handed the Metagate.�No matter how wooden or stone she was, she couldn�t help but be moved.

If you activate the metagate right now, at least you can go home.

Of course, I had no intention of doing that, but thinking about how much the situation had improved gave me a surge of courage.

�Thank you, Peope.�

�Don�t get me wrong!�I wasn�t trying to help����!�

Feope stopped talking.�The situation was so obvious that I couldn�t think of words to hide my feelings.

Disobeyed the archangel�s order and helped humans.�It wasn�t a violation of the law, it was an act of completely burning it.

Peope, who gave up his excuses, made a voice.